
Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

I was up .4 lbs which isn't bad for the cold and TOM combination.  This was another week of Body Gospel for me; I did a different workout each day.

Because of the storms Thursday we went trick-or-treating Friday instead.  Austin didn't get as much candy as years past but he wasn't disappointed in the least!  Benny stayed in the car and drove slowly next to us, which freaked out this group of girls we came across LOL.

One kid asked what I was but I had no answer for him.  What would you call my costume?  The corset was still tight around my stomach but had loosened up much at my chest.  Benny tried to pull it tighter but it made no difference.  I had pulled out my old boots and the pleather (as I don't know what the material is) was crumbling off!  Boy, I could've used some knee-high boots for the costume!  Now I want to get a pair and maybe start wearing skirts/dresses again LOL.  Ultimately I'd love to have a pair of thigh high boots but don't know when my thighs will be small enough for that to work.

My hair didn't want to cooperate as usual so I couldn't really get the look that I wanted.  It was weird, I had to straighten my hair before curling it in order to even attempt to get anything to stay put.

As expected not many calories were burned while I walked Austin around but it was interesting to see the numbers anyway.

Maybe it was from walking so slow but my leg and back were stiff and sore by the time we got home.  I woke up Saturday morning with my neck and shoulders being extra stiff too.  Instead of a normal workout I found a couple of stretching videos on YouTube (~30 minutes total) that pretty much took care of my leg and back.  My neck and shoulders eventually meandered back to their normal stiffness.

What did you do for Halloween?

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Hello; I followed you here from a post on bloggers helping bloggers. This was a funny post. Me and my family live at the end of a dead end road, so we didn't do much for halloween. The heavy rains in the afternoon kind of scared us off from making any big plans. We bought a couple bags of candy to give out just in case. I am a gastric surgery patient, so I have not had any sweets since february of 2012. I ate two recess peanut butter cups. You know they make different shoes for standing than for walking. You probably didn't have the right shoes for it. I bet the boots would have helped your back too. smile I have a arthritic shoulder, so do you know of any exercises I could do to improve my upper body other than weights. I've tried dumbbells of as little as three pounds and my shoulder still couldn't take it. thanks for the post and take care, max

    1. I really wanted to eat a Reese's but since Austin only got one I let him keep it. WTG on staying away from sweets so long! Have you tried something like Tai Cheng?

  2. I live in a condo, so I didn't get to see any trick-or-treat kids. I miss them!

    1. I almost would participate in a trunk or treat then.

  3. We bought a LOT of candy after moving to a busy area a few months ago so thinking we would be unendated with trick or treaters, all making up for last year because of the storm... No-one but no-one came! Now hubby is scarffing down the candy instead... Or maybe that was his idead from the begining... hmm : )

    1. When we moved August 2012 we didn't have anyone come to our door at our new house either. We still have that candy leftover! We took Austin to the neighborhood to the south of us and his dad's neighborhood.

  4. Cassi I haven't visited your blog for a bit, but thought I would stop by today, can I just say YOU LOOK FANTASTIC! You must be so proud. All of your hard work is paying off. Go get some dresses and skirts!!!

    1. I have one skirt I haven't worn in years that still fits well that I can wear but I want those boots first LOL

  5. Great costume.... It is always a bummer when the weather doesn't cooperate with our plans. Glad you got to go out on Friday and have some fun. :-)

    1. It still was sooo chilly. I wore my jacket like a cape.

  6. Sounds like Halloween was fun for you! We just rented a house that is not in a very populated area so we had no trick or treaters.

    1. Maybe look for a trunk or treat in the area where you can give out candy from your car next year.

  7. My son doesn't care too much for Halloween and my daughter. I miss the days of my kids dressing up for school. You are looking good!

    1. You can still dress up for the fun of it and post the pictures on your blog. I think I'll still do something when Austin tires of trick-or-treating.

  8. I think Heart Rate monitors are the best inventions! I think I may have to get myself a Polar since the one I have (that used to be my husbands) only shares how many cals you burned if your heart rate is an avg of 120. And of course, I love Pink so that would make me even happier;)

    Here from Weigh-in Wednesday!


  9. I didn't do anything for Halloween. I also didn't have any kids come by looking for candy.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks! Benny liked the left side better than the right; he said the right's curl was too big. And here I thought the left was crappier LOL

  11. That's a great costume! Espesh loving the corset. Now is a great time of year to get boots - the other day, I was out with a friend boot-shopping and she couldn't decide. So she bought both pairs! Go get 'em, I say.

  12. No worries with the small gain! Pretty good for TOM and Halloween :)
    Thanks for linking up!
