
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Famous in Five Challenge Day 2

Today's assignment is to become a Googling master.  We're supposed to uncover the difference between pitching to the perfect blog with my target audience and pitching to an industry publication that only peers read.  We're provided with a worksheet to answer questions and a spreadsheet to record information we find.


The people who'd actually spend money with The Long and Winding Road to Wellness are those that want to purchase the Beachbody workouts, either for their own use or as Christmas gifts (HINT HINT).  They come to us in search for help and motivation to begin or continue their own journeys to improve their health and wellness. They ask for recommendations on how to work on certain areas, how to get off their plateaus, and whatever other help they need to get them moving in the right direction.  When Googling solutions they're not looking for the programs that help you lose weight fast because they know these quick fixes don't work for them long term.  They want realistic solutions that they can work into their daily lives.

Here are some questions and phrases customers would plug into Google:
  • Weight loss success stories
  • Weight loss journey
  • How do I start losing weight?
  • What workouts are good for someone who has never exercised before?
  • Safe weekly weight loss

Here are some interesting sites I found using those questions and phrases above:

We're supposed to look at the blogs we recorded in the spreadsheet and note the six that have a better ranking than The Long and Winding Road to Wellness.  However, I'm struggling to find those that are geared towards people 40+.  I've found a couple but their ranks weren't so good compared to mine.  So I need your help with this part.

If your health/fitness/wellness/weight loss blog or podcast has an audience aged 40+ or you know of others that are at this age group please let me know. Thanks!

Next Steps

For those six sites I'm to record their contact information and estimated average post/podcast length.  Then I'm to brainstorm topics I'm to pitch for them, recording this in the spreadsheet.  Actually contacting them comes later.

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