
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Famous in Five Challenge Day 3

Today's assignment is to take what I wrote on Day 1 and separate the information into two lists - "What's Special about My Story" and "Details of My Expertise."  This one should be relatively easy then right?  No worksheet or anything else to guide this assignment.

What's Special about The Long and Winding Road to Wellness' Story
  • We take the slow and steady path to improve the well-being of others, primarily using the Weight Watchers lifestyle and Beachbody workouts.
  • I want to share my experience with others and help them enjoy a healthier life.
  • Since I have Austin on the weekends, whatever I do then would need to involve him.
  • I try to keep everything casual and laid back, not wanting to rush anything.
  • I've always enjoyed doing crafts.
  • Gardening is a new found hobby of mine.
  • Since starting The Long and Winding Road to Wellness I've started reading personal development books.
  • I want to have local events but I need to find a location for that,
  • I'd also like to have some coaches on my team that are more extroverted so they can handle most of the public speaking.

Details of My Expertise
  • I sold Avon for a few years but I was my biggest customer.
  • I'm not a salesperson and never have been.
  • For six years I worked for H&R Block preparing taxes.
  • I've been purchasing aircraft hardware for 7.5 years now.
  • Like many others who've joined the Beachbody family I have no formal training or education in this business.
  • I don't think that I could consider myself an expert at anything.
  • I don't think there's been any major failures or flops in my business.

Did I get everything under the appropriate list?  Do I have all the highlights here?


  1. I think that you may have been a little hard on your expertise list. Don't under estimate yourself.

    1. We're always our harshest critic right? We don't see what everyone else sees about ourselves.
