
Friday, November 8, 2013

Famous in Five Challenge - Day 4

The concept of today's assignment is simple really - pitch a guest post to three blogs found in your research.  It's just difficult for me to come up with what I'd write about.  Sometimes I can barely think of what to say on my own weekly updates!  Writing more is one of my 2014 Goals but still...that's something that I need to ease into, just like everything else on this journey.

The Blogs

I have found a couple of blogs and was referred to another but their Alexa rankings are nowhere near mine.  So where do I go from here?
  • Weightingfor50's Blog:  This is written by a 40-something lady that's trying to be fit and healthy by the time she hits 50.  Today's Global Alexa ranking is 2,381,833.
  • My Journey to Fit:  This is written by a 50 year old lady who started the blog with her last diet in 2008.  She's reached her goal weight and is working on maintaining it.  Today's Global Alexa ranking is 1,467,634.
  • Go Goggy Go:  This is written by a 50-something lady on her own journey.  Today's Global Alexa ranking is 3,160,821.
  • 40 Something Fitness:  This is written by a 40-something couple that are both former military.  They want to help others be the best they can be.  They have no Global Alexa ranking; it's like they fell off the radar on August 27.


  1. Replies
    1. I've changed my Blog Roll on the sidebar to match those I find that have better Alexa scores than I do. Feel free to check them out too!

  2. I like the idea of pitching to other blogs and writing on them but I do wonder about the importance of an Alexa ranking. It's really only measuring a limited number of users (those that have installed the bar). With that being said my global rank is 252,279. Wink!

    1. I haven't showed up in the Google rankings yet so I'm guessing Alexa is better because it's real time. I've never installed the bar. Saving the sites on Alexa's comparisons. Added you to my list ;)

  3. I'd say if your weight loss journey is how you tackle a goal, writing more will be achieved in 2014.

  4. For whatever reason the information wasn't coming up on Friday but there's a worksheet there now to use. I'm going to look at it and maybe make another post.
