
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge - Week 2

I was down another 2.4 lbs this week!  My HRM showed that my calorie burn was dropping with Start It Up! so that meant it was getting too easy for me.  What's a girl gonna do about that then?  Wednesday and Friday I did the Cardio Core Express bonus workout.  Thursday I did the Thin Thighs Guaranteed bonus workout.  As you can see those workouts did me good! Saturday I wanted to take it easy so I did another Start It Up!

The challengers were quiet this week but I think they all lost a few more pounds.

Glad to see the positive feedback on the Famous in Five Challenge!  I have to kick myself into gear and actually write those pitch letters.  All I really have is "Dear so-and-so" and then my mind wonders off onto something else.  UGH!  I need to focus focus focus...

FedEx delivered my Body Gospel shirt Saturday.  I was so excited that I wore it that same day and didn't have anyone take my picture.  I'll have to save that for the next post.

Benny took my measurements tonight.  This past month I've lost:

  • 1.5 inches off my waist
  • 3.5 inches off my hips
  • 1 inch off my chest
  • .5 inches off my right arm (left arm stayed the same)
  • 1 inch off my right thigh
  • 2.5 inches off my left thigh

Weird discrepancy with the size of my thighs.  Benny measured several times and said he could actually see a difference between the size of my thighs so we're assuming everything's correct LOL.  As of tonight my left thigh is measuring 3 inches smaller than my right thigh.  I've always carried things on my left side so I guess it sort of makes sense that I've worked my left thigh more than the right.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Great progress and you continue to be an inspiration! Not sure about the thigh thing! But I assume things will even out :)

  2. Congrats on your weight loss and being so motivated! Well done you : )

  3. The holidays can always be a harder time for me and my weight. All the yummy treats I really need to make sure I monitor my food intake. Great work!! :-)

    1. We'll see how I do when I visit my family for Christmas/New Year's. I'm allowing myself a 5 lb gain so I won't feel the pressure. I know 5 lbs will go away quickly.

  4. Love the smiling face this week :) and Congrats! I've been enjoying the facebook group. It reminds me to workout and watch what I'm eating. This time of year is so difficult but I'm working on it :) I'm glad to see it's working for you!

  5. Hi Cassandra I followed you here from your Linkedin post on Bloggers Helping Bloggers. I have been working out for over 20 years, it is a life choose, and one that I have to remind my self every day why I do it. Feel good, look better, more energy, and I really love how my body feels while I am doing it. Have a great day and keep on keeping on, and you will achieve your goal.

  6. Congrats on your progress!

  7. Brave to be starting this before the holidays and even braver to be sharing it. Good luck and don't give up.

  8. You are making some good progress! My left side is bigger than my right side and weaker so I have to work it harder than the right. That was because of the parasites but I can see the difference in my strength.

  9. I know we just met, but I might have to call you Slimmy-Slim. You are putting in WERK!

  10. I've always thought it so strange how the different sides of our bodies don't match up. My right hand is bigger than my left and my right leg is much stronger than my left too. Weird. Good progress you're making!

  11. I think the inches off are awesome! The weight loss is great too but I don't think the scale gives the whole picture. I've done the same thing...gotten so excited that I didn't get a pic for the blog.

  12. Ah, another amazing reduction - yay! Now if only you could put that focus and commitment into those letters.....
