
Monday, November 25, 2013

Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge - Week 3

I was up .4 lbs but it's all good.  As promised here's me in the Body Gospel shirt.  Both sides have the same logo so I didn't bother with a rear photo.  Benny and I couldn't get the picture right.  I don't know if it was the lighting, my pooch, my jeans, or something else that made it look weird to us.

My double headaches returned this week and are still going on.  Medicine will squelch the aches for a few hours but it always comes back.  I didn't let the headaches stop me from working out.

Along with my headaches, Saturday my HRM was spazzy.  First, it wouldn't even pick up my heart rate.  Then, during the warmup it jumped from 90-something to 180!

One challenger has lost 4 lbs two weeks in a row!  Fingers and toes crossed that she'll have another great loss to mark the halfway point.

I've made some progress on the Famous in Five Challenge, although not exactly in the way they intended.  I've answered Carli's interview questions and have picked out two of the three pictures to use - a couple of pictures put together from 2011 & 2012 for my before shot and one of my workout pictures (like above).  What should I do for the third one?

This week, not only do I have Thanksgiving dinner to prep but it's Austin's 12th birthday.  I asked him what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday.  He said that he wanted a Minecraft themed cake with all the fun blocks...something like this -
Photo Credit: turoczy via Compfight cc

So Saturday, we went to Kroger and I let him pick out the ingredients.

  • German Chocolate & Chocolate Fudge cake (he says there's enough of a color difference to make the blocks)
  • Strawberry jello for the lava
  • Berry Blue Jell-O for the water
  • Coconut, icing, and green food coloring for the grass
I've NEVER done anything like this before so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.  My cakes are normally just the plain kind, sometimes with writing (spelling errors included).

I think I'm going to try to do the cake in the roaster oven while the turkey bakes in the regular oven.  I picked up some square pans at Dollar Tree to make the cutting more even/easier (I hope).  I could put two in the roaster to bake, remove them to cool and put the next pair in.  I should be able to cut the cake into squares during this time also.  The leftover pieces of cake and jello (not used for the design) I'll be taking into work to share with coworkers.

Have you made a "mixed media" cake before?  How did it turn out?

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. That minecraft cake is awesome! Congrats on the weight loss.

  2. I'm not much of a baker at all. I am making muffins from scratch this year for Thanksgiving which I am extremely excited about. You seem to be making progress on your workouts. Even if its a little, it's still progress. So kudos to you! Thanks so much for linking up to Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back Friday to see if you are featured! xo

  3. You are doing so great on your weight loss journey. Congratulations!! Also I love the idea of the Mine Craft cake. :-)

  4. Yay Cassandra! A fellow BB girl! I'm ready to get back in the game. You look good. Look forward to seeing your progress. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!


  5. I've never made a mixed media cake. I didn't even know it had a name. LOL!

    I think you are looking good. Awesome that you kept going through the headaches. My migraines put me in bed sometimes.

    Can't wait to see your interview!

    1. Not sure if it has a name but I picked mixed media because it's just like art.

  6. Listening in on your weight loss journey is encouraging for someone like me who STILL has that only 10 pounds to go.

    Over from LinkedIn group BHB

  7. Great cake, Cassi! Visiting you from SITS Sharefest :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How wonderful to find this blog! You are literally the first person I have met who is doing Slim in 6. My goal is to buy T25 AND P90X 3. The former is 25 minutes a pop while the latter is 30. With my current schedule, that will work out perfect.

    1. Glad you stopped by! I still think T25 and P90X are too intense for me to try at this stage.
