
Monday, December 2, 2013

Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge - Week 4

Monday night I went to the dentist for the first time in about 10 years.  I still have no dental insurance so everything has to be paid via the Care Credit financing.  The hygienist was surprised that I didn't have so much that needed taken care of not having had a cleaning for so long.  My one tooth that bothers me off and on (and is broken) the dentist gave the option of saving it with a root canal or extracting it.  Not only because of the price difference but why would you do a root canal for just one molar?  There are also 7 cavities that need filled.

Since when do they take your blood pressure at the dentist's office?  The tech (for lack of knowledge of her title) tried the arm cuff but it wouldn't work through my sweater.  She then used the wrist cuff but that said my blood pressure was high (she never gave me the numbers though).  Nevertheless I think it'd have something to do with the headache I've had since the 19th.  I asked the doctor's office about it and they suggested that I go in and possibly get a Toradol injection.  Is anyone familiar with this for headache relief?

I was up another 1.4 lbs this week.  I think it was the combination of TOM and this terrible headache.  By the time I got to the doctor Friday my weight had already dropped back to where it was last week.  The doctor said my neck/shoulder muscles are super tight so we're trying a muscle relaxer (Flexeril).  If the headaches/tightness don't improve by my regular appointment on the 9th we'll look at physical therapy.

It was a slow week with the challenge also.  Two of us had a gain and the one that had been losing 4 lbs had a smaller loss.  There are only two weeks left so we'll see what they bring!

This was our simple Thanksgiving dinner...white asparagus for Benny and green beans for me.  I cooked a 18.5 lb turkey and this was just what Benny first cut off.

Afterwards I started working on Austin's Minecraft Cake.  Benny said it's too sweet for him so he hasn't had any more.  So what am I going to do with all this cake and jello? LOL

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. I've given Toradol to my patients for headaches. It does work, depending on the cause of the headache. Good luck with the headache/BP!

  2. I'm not sure I could cope with a headache for that long, I'm a real wimp when it comes to pain!
    I hate the dentist with a passion!

  3. I hope you figure out what is causing the headache and are able to get through it soon. I hate the dentist, but taking care of your teeth is really important.

  4. I was a frequent migraine sufferer. I mean trips to the ER they were so bad. I eliminated processed food from my diet and have not had a single headache except for the occasional tension headache in almost 3 years. Seriously changed my life! Good luck with finding what works for your headaches.

  5. Oh I hope your headache goes away! I had terrible headaches when I was pregnant and it was because of my blood pressure most of the time and lack of water intake. My dentist's office does not take my blood pressure - weird.
    Thanks for linking up :)

  6. Oh my! I'm glad things weren't as bad as expected when you went to the dentist. I'm sure the extra weight was due to you not feeling well and the holiday eating bug. :)

  7. I've never had the dentist take my blood pressure. So weird! But it sounds like a good thing she did even though she didn't seem to do it very well. I hope the headaches get better. I take a medicine that helps me sleep and helps with migraines so I know how a throbbing head hurts! And is annoying. The weight gain might be because your muscles were sore and a little swollen. That's why it went back down after you started feeling better.

  8. When you are not totally well, it is so hard to keep to your diet and exercise plan. I am glad you are not beating yourself up about it and hope these headaches and muscles settle down soon.
