
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Countdown in Style Week 4

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Welcome to Week {4} of Countdown in Style!

A weekly blog hop that links up your favorite blog posts of the week!
You can link your funny stories, best recipes, parenting successes, parenting fails, DIY projects and tips, photo bomb posts and more! PLEASE DO NOT LINKUP OTHER LINKY PARTIES OR GIVEAWAYS AND ONLY ADD UP TO 2 POSTS. We want to learn more about the people we connect with daily through their favorite posts. Then...come back for Feature Fridays! Brittnei and I choose our favorite links from the link up and feature them on our blogs! *We have the right to remove any links that do not adhere to the rules.
Please grab our button and help this link up grow :)
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So join us...your hosts, Brittnei from Homemaking With Style & April from 100lb Countdown, every Sunday for Countdown in Style!
Meet Your Hosts:
1013 Profile
April @ 100lb Countdown
Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Bloglovin'
  Brittnei @ Homemaking With Style
And (drum roll please) welcome our Co-Host for this week!
Cassi @ Cassi's Journey
Blog Hop Rules - updated
Share is caring! Click below to tweet about the blog hop:
Come back and visit us throughout the week as we are always getting new links --> And be sure to visit for Feature Fridays to see if your post was picked to be featured!
Email Reminders
We'd love to have you join us as a co-host. Just enter the rafflecopter below and see if you win! a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Thanks for hosting the hop! Wishing you a great week. :)

  2. Thanks for the great link up!! And congrats to all those making progress on their weight goals.
