
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge Week 5

The headache hasn't really been bothering me but I can feel myself tensing up around 6/7 pm, whether it's in the car or on the couch.  I don't know what's going on.  Since the first time taking the Flexeril I've been extra sleepy.  You can take this muscle relaxer up to 3 times a day but I've only taken two a couple of times since I've been tired.  We'll see what the doctor has to say in the morning.

I went to the dentist Friday (during the snow storm) for my first cleaning.  Again the hygenist was surprised that my teeth looked so good even though it's been so long since I've been to a dentist.  The only teeth with a tartar build up were those at my lingual bar (the wire glued to the back side of my lower front teeth as a bottom retainer).  This is because it's so hard to get anything through there to floss.  She gave me some samples to try but I don't know if it'll work.  Everytime I try something it works for a while then the floss starts shredding or breaking. My lower teeth are just too tight!

My weight dropped 2.2 lbs, wiping out the gain of the past two weeks and then some!  I'm now just 2 lbs shy of losing 60 lbs this year.  I'd be happy to just maintain that through the holidays and then start losing again in January.

After pretty much burning the same amount of calories (417-419) all week I shocked myself with how much I burned Friday!

Trying to decide what workout to do next.  I don't really want to start a new program over the holidays so I'll be mixing things up after this final week of the challenge.  We'll see what I get for Christmas and go from there.

It was pretty quiet with the challenge group this week.  One reported a slight gain over Thanksgiving but it was much less than she normally sees.  The others didn't chime in with how they did so I can only assume either there were gains or they didn't weigh themselves this week.

Most of the jello is gone from Austin's Minecraft Cake.  I've been nibbling the cake almost every night this week; it's still so moist!  Perhaps I'm just craving sugar....  I don't remember if Austin ate any of the cake this weekend.

This week I was selected as a co-host for the Countdown in Style hop.  Be sure to enter your favorite post (not a giveaway or other linkup) to be featured on Homemaking with Style or 100lb Countdown this Friday!

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Cake is dangerous in this house. 'tis the season though...and I have a hard time resisting. :)

  2. I've used Flexeril in the past and had the same symptoms. Can't get through my day that way nor can I put up with the back spasms when I get them. My doc gave me some samples of Skelaxin 800mg and they worked great with no drowsiness! I can't keep cake i my way...... :)

    1. I haven't heard of Skelaxin so I'll have to look into that one!

  3. Nice to see someone doing Slim in 6. I hardly ever hear of anyone doing it. In fact, it is so rare that I wonder if you are the same person that I already commented on in recent memory! LOL

  4. Hi; I'm glad to hear you did so well during the thanksgiving holiday and with a birthday cake in the house too. congratulate yourself do your happy dance or give yourself a high five. i gained a little over two pounds that week end but had lost it back by tuesday. so i don't know if i honestly gained it and then lost it back or if it was just the natural fluctuations i have experienced now that i am close to my ideal weight. the doctor that did my gastric procedure says he believes 250 or 255 with my shoes on would be about right. i am so happy to have made it to 265 without shoes that I don't know what to do with myself. last week i got two new shirts from robert graham. they gave them to me to celebrate my weight loss. don't know about you but my exercise place is outside so I'm actually having more trouble with the cold weather than with all the food. thanks for sharing and keep moving forward, max

    1. Awesome that you were able to lose the 2 lbs just about as quickly as you'd put them on!

  5. Now I feel guilty over Thanksgiving. I do OK. by that I mean that I didn't gain anything. But now the holidays are approaching and I an baking my fool head off... sigh and of course I have taste test everything. So that means more walking and exercise... Big sigh... LOL. :-)

    1. Just eat one of everything and then give it all away before you have a chance to eat too much ;)

  6. I have a bar on my bottom teeth as well. My teeth probably aren't as tight as yours, and I floss it religiously. Doesn't matter thought since I have horrible teeth :( You're lucky.

    1. My bottom wisdom teeth never made an appearance so I don't know why it's so tight.

  7. One day at a time! Keep remembering to celebrate those little successes and motivating yourself to do the right thing in those moments of weakness. Getting back your health is a process with peaks and valleys around every corner! YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Thank you for sharing!!

  8. I can tell you are really motivated because you are working on this through the holiday season instead of just dropping it and planning on getting back into the groove after New Years.

    1. Visiting family will be the true test to see how I do.

  9. Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome :)

  10. Cassandra, you really are amazing. A lot of people all over the world should learn from you ant keep on working out and making an effort to keep in shape. It's important not only for our looks but health as well. Keep up the good work.

  11. Flexeril makes me crazy! You poor thing! Cake is well... temptation that's hard to resist, but it sounds like you've managing just fine, allowing yourself to indulge a little without going nuts and devouring the whole thing. Congrats on the weight loss that is sooo impressive. I love your attitude about it all, the holidays, reaching your goal for the year, not stressing about things.. Very inspiring!

    1. I've never heard of a muscle relaxer making someone crazy!

  12. I just ordered P90X3 yesterday and will start in January! Pretty excited!

  13. 60 pounds wow! Go Cassi! Why are you taking the flexeril? I started doing HIIT and have actually seen some results from that....finally!

    1. I'm taking the Flexeril to relax the muscles in my neck/shoulders and stop the tension headache it creates.

      Awesome that you found an exercise routing that's working for you, especially this time of year!
