
Monday, January 6, 2014

Healthy Breakfast Recipes - Tasty Tuesday #1

Welcome to my first Tasty Tuesday!  I hope those of you who're also dealing with the snow and arctic temperatures are staying safe and warm.  I'm going a little stir crazy not having left the house since Saturday.  We haven't seen temperatures this cold in 20 years but I don't remember it! LOL  (This time 20 years ago I was a freshman in high school.)

I'm trying a link up for this first time around.  Please share your favorite healthy breakfast recipes from your blog.  Please visit at least one other recipe that's linked up.  I've enabled likes on the linky so you can select your favorites. Your likes and my favorite recipes will be pinned on my Tasty Tuesday board.  (I'm still trying to figure out how to feature these recipes in next week's post.)

Next week's recipe theme: Snacks


  1. Thanks for having a Linky thing. This is the first time I have ever done one!

  2. I wish I had a blog reciepe to link up, because I love link-up's and totally would join!

  3. YUm! I'm keeping this up to see what else is added!

  4. Oh, great link up! I'm always looking for new healthy breakfast recipes. We love breakfast in this house!! Following from the Sits FB group thread!

    1. During the week breakfast is simple - oatmeal, cereal, or a smoothie at work. Weekends I'm usually wanting something different. The only thing I've done is a breakfast casserole.

  5. Looks great! I'm no cook so I've never posted my own recipe to share.

  6. What a great idea! I don't have any recipes to post, but it looks like you're having great success. Have fun and happy brekkie-hopping!

  7. The best way to feature recipes is to save a picture from the blogs you want to feature, and then insert it with an image and link back in the section of your post before your link code. You can see how I'm doing it on my link party that I run every Sunday (I missed this Sunday due to a snowstorm and the need to focus on dog rescue, but will be back next Sunday).

  8. Fun idea, but alas I have no recipes to post.

  9. I love this idea. I might give this a try on my blog with my recipes. The Mocha Coffee Cake looks really interesting to me. :-)

  10. I don't have a food blog either, but love the idea of the link-up! Not so sure about shrimp stir-fry for breakfast, but that mocha coffee cake sounds amazing.

    1. Yeah, that stir-fry threw me for a loop too! Some have told me they eat vegetable soup for breakfast so I guess it's possible for stir-fry too.

  11. I am always, always, always, looking for breakfast ideas - some of these look great. I'm with you though on the stir-fry for breakfast...not so sure about that. The most adventurous I get is soups. I like soups for breakfast in the winter. Will definitely try some of these recipes.
