
Saturday, January 11, 2014

I Survived the Snowpocalypse!

Image Courtesy of John Kasawa /

Friday afternoon Benny messaged me saying the back spigot had burst and he had to dig through the snow to find the main shutoff for the house (out by the street).  The home warranty folks said they would have someone call me back within 24 business hours, which meant by Monday afternoon.  There was NO way we were going to sit in a house all weekend without water!  I called Benjamin Franklin Plumbing to take care of it.  The plumber was able to come earlier than expected but it sure took a long time to fix!  There were several long spans of time where it was silent and I'd tell Benny that he must've fallen asleep in the crawlspace LOL


We had almost a foot of snow Sunday on top of the 6 inches or so already on the ground.  Then came the arctic temperatures...not as cold as we had 20 years ago but still bad.  School was supposed to start back this week but Austin's district cancelled this week.  The state says they don't have to make up Monday & Tuesday but the school board has to figure out how they're making up the rest of the week.  My work was actually closed Monday & Tuesday.  Wednesday's ride into work was horrible!  My normal 20 minute commute took an hour.  It was like driving on an old country road with all the dips and ruts and everything in between.  I had such a headache and felt so nauseous from the drive!  I'm so over this snow.

I was supposed to see the Doctor on Monday but because of the Snowpocalypse we weren't going anywhere and the Practice Manager called everyone himself to cancel appointments.  I finally got in to see the Doctor on Wednesday afternoon.

He said it's difficult to raise the HDL.  "The HDL is optimized with regular aerobic exercise, and sometimes by omega III fatty acids, such as fish oil or similar diet, and sometimes with nuts (nuts that grow on trees like almonds or walnuts) in the diet. Red wine has also been shown to raise HDL."  The Dr doesn't recommend the wine option (darn it! LOL) but said to try the nuts.  We have some shelled walnuts and pecans leftover from I can't remember when so I've been eating those.  The pecans definitely have a sweeter taste.

Because I'm on the border with the anemia the Dr suggested taking iron supplements solely around TOM since that's when I have problems.  I haven't picked up anything yet to take.

Now on to the vertigo.  The Dr described a sudden, jarring experience bringing it on (my tooth extraction) hard and then the symptoms lessening over a few weeks.  I thought he had called it a different type than what I've had before but when I messaged for the name he still said it was BPPV.

Last Thursday I weighed in down 2 lbs.  This Thursday I was down another 3.8 lbs!  How in the world am I still losing even though I haven't really had any workout since 12/23?  Am I shivering so much because of the cold that it's making me lose more? LOL

Week 2 of Weight Watchers' New Year, New You Challenge is planning and shopping for a week's menu.  Benny's normally the one to pick out the meats and I usually only get chicken when it's under $2/lb.  I'm supposed to do a review of Relish! Meal Planning Service anyway so I guess there's no time better than now to plan this.  Just have to get Benny on board with purchasing different meats LOL.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Hello from a fellow Snowpocalypse survivor! Visiting you from the SITSgirls. The straight evil that fell from the sky last week is melting here today. Congrats on the weight loss! I'm trying to drop 27 pounds.

  2. I'm glad you survived!

    And congrats on the weight loss.

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss. Given the Snowcpocalypse, I might have been inclined to hibernate and console myself with fattening comfort foods!

    1. There weren't any comfort foods that I'd eat in the house either LOL

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for sharing this with our hop! I hope you will share with us each week.

  6. The pictures are fabulous...reminds me how much I DON"T miss the snow! Ha! Best news about the weight! Fabulous girl!

  7. Ugh, the snow! Hope it will lessen soon so you can get back to normal. Great news about the weight!! Congrats, and keep up the good work!

  8. I can't even imagine how much snow that is - though your pictures help a lot. I'm getting cold just reading this, brrr.

  9. I am in Toronto. We had the ice storm just before Christmas. Then the bone chilling cold days... It better today. Without power and water in the winter...
    Goodluck with weight loss. I can't stop eating when it is cold.

  10. I love that word Cassandra. That is way cool about losing weight. I need to find something that can help me do that pronto... LOL. I love the pictures too. :-)
