
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

75 lbs Officially Gone

Scales are definitely weird creatures!  This time my home scale shows a .6 lb gain.  I weighed in last night at Weight Watchers down 2.4 lbs, making me weigh only about 2 lbs more than Benny.  They gave me my 75 lb charm as well as the Live Life Active running man charm (same one as last year).

My March Shakeology Challenge is complete.  I tried to make a different recipe every day but ran out of ideas.  Either I didn't have the other ingredients or I wouldn't eat them.  I absolutely loved all the recipes using peanut butter.  Austin enjoyed the Reese's knock off recipe with me.  Benny didn't want to partake in any of it.  When I did the sampler pack this fall I didn't like the flavor but felt full.  This time I liked the flavor but was still so hungry.  I think drinking the almond milk instead of skim milk has adjusted my taste buds because that's what the Chocolate Shakeology flavor reminded me of this time.  I'm still interested in trying the new Strawberry flavor so I've booked it to receive a bag late May to do another challenge in June.  Would anyone care to join me?

I continued working out with Jillian Michaels through Friday.  Since Saturday I've been doing a beginner's belly dancing DVD.  Is there any way to loosen up my hips so my moves will be more fluid?  On the DVD there was a move called the Egyptian Walk.  I guess that I expected it to be something like what you do to Walk Like an Egyptian but it wasn't anything like that!
Next week begins my 21 Day Fix.  I read through the eating plan yesterday and do have some concerns about my eating.  As you well know, I don't like many fruits and veggies.  It's a struggle for me to get in 1-2 per day total.  On the 21 Day Fix for my calorie range I need 4 veggies & 3 fruits (or maybe the other way around).  How in the world is a picky eater like me going to survive these 3 weeks?  There is a food list for each container but still my selection is very limited.  Yes, I know I'm only limiting myself but I don't want to waste the food either.
I am still looking for stories of people on Weight Watchers who've tried the 21 Day Fix.  Please direct anyone interested to complete the form so that I can share their experience.
Benny's surgery Friday was cancelled.  He ignored the rules and drank milk when he got up.  Not because he was hungry but because he was thirsty.  They finally called yesterday to reschedule it for the 7:30 AM!  Oh, that is too early when we have to be there at 6 AM! LOL  I told Benny that when we got home we'd both take a nap and I'd do my workout when I woke up.
All year I've been spotting pretty much all month long.  I'm thinking it's either my fibroid or perimenopause.  The gynecologist is leaning towards the fibroid and wants me to have another ultrasound (I had one back when I first saw him).  So I'm going to try to schedule it during Benny's surgery so I'll have something to do.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. I did Shakeology for about a week. I just got tired of the grit no matter what I did. To me, it just wasn't worth the price. I also did the 21-Day Fix. It has its ups and downs. I loved Autumns enthusiasm and that the videos had modified movements for beginners and those who weren't as small as the general exercise video person. I know I tend to get bugged by a lot of the BeachBody videos because everyone is already stick thin and muscular. I did not continue the program though because I have osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. Even with modification this really aggravated the pain. With the 21 Days, she really pushes you to NOT take a day off. That might be good for some people, but for me, it only made me feel like I was failing when I could not keep up with the routine. At the end of the day I sent that program back and now I am testing out their Tai Cheng which is more like yoga and pilates. I'm also back to doing DDP Yoga which helps me out a great deal. I just have to stick with things that don't have such an impact until the weight comes down and I am stronger. Stopping by from the Lets Get Real hop and my non blogger site. But, I do have a health one too if you'd like to visit sometimes - Oh, and PS - I am a lifetime WWer who has gained my weight back (boo) but trying to get it back down to get to my lifetime goals!

    1. After this first day I wouldn't recommend the 21 Day Fix for anyone with arthritic knees/hips. Tai Cheng is based on the Yang style of Tai Chi, which is good for arthritis therapy. You should enjoy it! Good luck doing WW again!

  2. My client does the shakes but uses Spiri-tein because it is much cheaper. She started at 537 pounds and is now 392 pounds. Congrats on being down by 75 pounds and thanks for stopping by the #wowlinkup.

  3. I hope your doctor figures out what is wrong soon so you won't have to deal with the spotting. I know several people who had to have large fibroids removed and were much happier afterwards. #wowlinkup

    1. It's something on my mom's side. My aunt had several removed. Mom's was so big (cantaloupe) that she had to have a hysterectomy.

  4. I started spotting/bleeding all month long with 10 days of heavy anemia causing bleeding about a year ago. No fibroids and I wasn't menopausal ( 53 I thought I was almost done but I'm nowhere close). My hormones were out of whack. I had a Novasure endometrial ablation done and it set me free. It is an outpatient procedure and you can return to normal activity within a day or two.

    1. I hadn't heard of the Novasure before. I looked it up and determined it's not an option for me since still want a daughter.

  5. wow 75lbs that is amazing I'm so happy for you. Keep it going you are amazing.

  6. Hi Cassi - Congratulations on the great progress you've made. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real party.
