
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April Showers 21 Day Fix - 3 Days In

The scales keep flip flopping!  My official weigh in I was up .4 lbs but at home this morning I was down 2 lbs.


Day 1:  Total Body Cardio Fix
I did the first move after the warm up during Jillian Michaels Body Revolution but it was later in the workout so my legs were ready to go.  Autumn says she put this move first because you have the most energy at the beginning of the workout.  Well, I'd have to agree with Jillian's placement over Autumn's....It's not good to SURRENDER at the beginning of a workout!
  1. Holding a pair of light dumbbells, raise your arms straight above your head, keeping your elbows loose but straight.  Your arms will remain in this position throughout the move.
  2. Drop down on your right knee, keeping your left leg at a 90 degree angle.
  3. Lower your left knee to the floor; both knees are on the floor as if you're surrendering.
  4. Raise your right leg so that it's at a 90 degree angle with your foot on the floor.
  5. Straighten your left leg and stand up.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for 1 minute.
  7. Complete the other moves in the circuit.
  8. Repeat steps 2-6 starting on your left knee.
OMG My thighs were KILLING me after doing this!  I haven't been able to move properly since the workout.  It's difficult to stand up and sit down as well as pretty much anything else that involves bending my legs.  Benny has been laughing at me not being able to walk.

Day 2:  Upper Fix
A lot of weights and ab work involved with this workout.  There were a few moves where your leg was supposed to be bent but I couldn't put my legs in the proper position.

Day 3: Lower Fix Pilates Fix
My thighs are still hurting this morning so I went with Pilates Fix instead of Lower Fix (AKA leg day).  Only a few moves I felt the pain so I think it was a good choice to switch.  I'm hoping to be recovered enough do the Lower Fix tomorrow.

Nutrition Plan

The first thing you have to do is determine your calorie level (based on your weight).  I'm at the 1500-1799 calorie range.  From there, you'll know how many of each container food group you're to eat each day.  I created handy dandy graphics to help people know what goes into each container and how much you're eating.  Check out my 21 Day Fix board for the details.

Follow Cassandra Schmigotzki's board 21 Day Fix on Pinterest.
Just from these three days I've determined (besides the fruits & veggies issue) that I'm heavy on the carbs and light on the protein.  It's a major adjustment for me on all fronts!  Just remind me to never again use raw carrots in a smoothie! BLEH  It has overpowered today's smoothie but I still drank it all.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. I think we do the same Jillian DVD, I have been working out for years and the surrender got me. Followed you here from the growing circles hop.

  2. Can I offer a suggestion to your 21 day workout? Don't do back to back strength training workouts, give your body THE VALUE OF REST.
    Rest makes you stronger, because it allows the muscles that you have broken down to heal and recover and this allows you to get stronger. I would do one day cardio, the next day lower body strength workouts, day three could be upper body strength exercises, then cardio on day four, Pilates on day 5 and so forth and so on. Visiting from the #wowlinkup.

    1. Just following along the schedule provided in the kit but I see where you're coming from.

  3. Cassie you did good. Lower body workouts can be tough but they are SOOOO worth it. #wowlinkup

  4. Wow your workouts sounds super challenging! Scales can be silly sometimes, mine is not telling me what I want to this week, even though Ive put in the work/ate well! :(

  5. I have been scared to try Jillian Michaels workout I hear she is killer. this 21 day challenge sounds amazing but hard. Good luck can't wait to hear about your amazing success with it.

  6. Hi Cassie - Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real party. We hope you'll join us again this week.

  7. You're making progress and just keep it up! Never give up! You can do it!
