
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Showers 21 Day Fix - The Results

Well, I was up .4 lbs again.  Kind of frustrating but not surprising.  TOM when I started the 21 Day Fix and TOM when I finished it.  Stupid mother nature LOL.  I did lose a few inches but not as much as I thought.  But this could again be because of TOM.  Should I have Benny measure me again next week or just wait until the end of next month?

WAIST:  34.5 to 34
HIPS:  42.5 to 42.25
CHEST:  36.5 to 36
R ARM:  stayed at 13
L ARM:  12.5 to 12.75
R THIGH:  22.5 to 21.5
L THIGH:  21.5 to 21
TOTAL LOSS:  2.5 inches

I really did struggle with the food so I think that was the real reason why I didn't see the bigger losses most others had.  For me the 21 Day Fix eating plan was too restrictive...kind of why I never dieted before.  I prefer the flexibility of the Weight Watchers Points Plus system where you eat whatever you want as long as it's within your allotted daily and weekly points.  I lost over 75 lbs this way so I think it's best to stick with it for  now.

I'm willing to try the 21 Day Fix again later, just like I did with the Shakeology.  I'll study what others posted that they're eating and see which new recipes I can do.  During the summer the smoothies would probably be more fun than they are now because they'd cool me off from the heat rather than just make me chilly LOL.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Good job with the 21 day fix!! And boo to mother nature! 0.4 is barely a gain, so I wouldn't even count it. :) You look AWESOME!

  2. glad you gave something new a try! It sounds like you know yourself and what works for you, so as you said, continue with WW. Did you do the 21 day fix workouts as well?

  3. Excellent results! And sorry about the slight gain but if it's less than a pound, it doesn't count!

  4. I've heard really good things about the 21 day fix. TOM always screws that stuff up for me!

  5. It's awesome! Great results :))

  6. I always think it comes down to what I eat at the end of the day... exercise is wonderful, but it doesn't seem to correlate to weight loss. Seems to be mostly about the food.

  7. Nice progress! I'm not a big fan of restrictive diets either. I say eat whatever works for you!

  8. It looks like you need to lose another 20 to 25 pounds. You are on the right track so don't give up, you are doing great. Visiting from #wowlinkup.

  9. I'm a personal trainer and am NOT a fan of restrictive food plans-they only mess with your metabolism :( Go back to what works for you!

  10. Have Benny measure you again. Remember, on this journey slow and steady wins the race - if you want the changes to last. Thanks for participating in this week's Workout Wednesday Link Up #25. #wowlinkup

  11. I think you should have Benny measure you again a few days after TOM is over. You may get a slight change in the results! You are doing a great job with your loss so far, and I wouldn't bat an eye at .4+! It's more than likely the TOM weight anyway! Great job Cassi!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real party.
