
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday...a Day Later

Sorry for the delay in this post.  With Benny's appointment yesterday I didn't have time to do much.

I weighed in Tuesday night down 2 lbs. Finally!  I don't know if it was more because TOM was over or I was back to my regular eating habits.  I'm just glad I'm back to losing again.

Saturday I went bra shopping.  What a disaster!  Most of the size calculators said I'd fit in a 36D.  I don't know how many I tried on before giving up!  Because of my weight loss there's this extra skin under my armpits.  Every single 36D I tried wasn't covering this up; instead they pushed out the skin.  I thought it looked disgusting!  I had to scrounge for a couple of 36DD (same style just different colors) which didn't push out the skin so much but I don't like them.  I've sacrificed comfort for coverage.  Has anyone else had this issue when bra shopping during weight loss?

Monday I got my hair chopped off.  Benny isn't happy about the shortness but everyone else (including me) likes it.  What do you think?

My Panama City Beach shirt is too big for me now; I can only wear it as pajamas or a cover up.  I dug up one of my pictures from our vacation in 2011 wearing the shirt.  It's about a 100 lb difference here.

Yesterday we visited Dr. Michal Fritsch to have Benny evaluated for the salivary endoscopy.  He speaks a little German so Benny was happy about that.  We were disappointed that we had to wait over an hour to see the doctor.  We were both falling asleep waiting in the exam room.  Tuesday night we'd looked at the CT scan on the CD Benny picked up from the hospital.  We didn't recognize the stone on any of the shots.  Dr. Fritsch had printed out the shot with the stone.  He was able to feel it too (the other ENT couldn't feel it).  In the end we walked out with a date for the endoscopy but still have no idea how much it'll be.  The whole point of seeing him was to find out how much the endoscopy was going to cost us!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Lewis Lane


  1. Yeay for your tshirt being too big for you! And I like your haircut very much. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Cassi,
    I am so glad to discover your blog through Workout Wednesday.#wowlinkup. Your journey is such an inspiration for so many! I am enjoying reading your posts. I liked your Facebook page, and I am following you on Twitter, Bloglovin, Pinterest. Now I better get up and workout! All the best, Deborah

  3. Cassi congratulations on the weight loss! 100 lbs is NOT NOT NOT easy but can be done with commitment and dedication!! Excellent job. I am thinking of cutting off my hair - SERIOUSLY! #wowlinkup

  4. Cassi, congrats on your weight loss and new hairdo. What are you going to do with your old clothes?
