
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

50 Inches with Fido

Adding the 8.1 miles of walking last week led to me maintaining weight instead of losing.  I haven't done any walking this week yet.  I'm still pretty much sticking with Jillian's DVDs.
It's been a little more than a year since I started working out with Tai Cheng.  Benny took my first measurements on 5/13/13 and the latest Monday night.  Over the past year I've lost almost 50 inches over my whole body!
Yes, you're seeing things correctly - that's 12 Dress Sizes!

A little frustrated with my phone (more than usual).  Since the new month rolled over it's not syncing properly (even though it says it is).  So my pictures aren't being backed up!  When I have to do another factory data reset or try another phone I'll lose everything from June 1 onward.  Any ideas how to fix this?
Something to think about....some of the exercises you do are similar to a dog's playful behavior.  Here's a workout routine from that you can do to get fit like Fido.  I've done all but the ladders one since I'm not a runner.

Those of you with a dog, have you tried working out (besides going for a walk/run) with your pup?

FINALLY planted my garden Sunday.  Benny's still trying to figure out some kind of gate to put on the fence so I can get in and out.  (I tried stepping over and that didn't work to well.)  This was just in time for the rain.  A little bit on Sunday evening and downpours Monday and today.  I just hope this rain doesn't jumble up all my seeds!  My starters were duds this year so I'm starting from scratch.  Tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, kale, broccoli, spinach, radishes, carrots, pole beans, oregano, & basil (I think that's everything LOL) are on the menu this year.  How is your garden going this year?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. That's cute--I like that dog workout!! Congrats on your weight loss!!

  2. Wow, 12 dress sizes! That's awesome. Keep up the hard work! #wowlinkup

  3. Wow! 12 dress sizes! Wow! Way to go!

  4. Oh my goodness 12 dress sizes?! Amazing!! Thanks for sharing that fun workout on the #wowlinkup :)

  5. 12 dress sizes is amazing! Great job! My little garden is doing great. I have various types of pumpkins, yellow squash, tomatoes, green peppers, corn, cucumbers and beans going so far.

  6. My garden is doing great this year so far. I am very excited! Next time I do plan to use a hummus/manure mixture to really get things going. I have seen the results and the plants grow quicker. Congrats on the inches lost. #wowlinkup.

  7. Congrats on the 12 dress size! The dogvacay people contacted me this week too! Awesome!

  8. Congrats on your weight loss so far! Love that doggy workout :)

  9. The dog workout sounds interesting. It took me awhile to find your blog, you posted a nice comment on mine but you are a no-reply blogger, which meant you didn't get my email when I sent it. Thanks for visiting. I hope you'll come back. Esther Norine Designs

  10. Congratulations on your weight loss! I just found your blog through a blog hop. Keep up the great work :)

  11. Cute workout. I planted plants last week and I have to plant one more kale plant and two collard plants. I'm helping a friend with her garden tomorrow. This year, I have kale(2 varieties), collards, Swiss Chard, tomatoes, green peppers. Visiting from the #wowlinkup

  12. that is too cute workout like Fido. Plus congrats on the drop in dress sizes.
