
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Becoming the True Me

Last week I watched the scale drop after the crazy 3 lb gain I was seeing last Tuesday morning.  I wrapped up the first week of the DietBet with a 1.6 lb loss.  It looks like Sunday's my lowest weight day so I'll still weigh myself everyday (but not Tuesday LOL) but only record Saturday or Sunday's weight.

I was inspired by this DietBet to start one of my I just have to get people to join!  It starts August 11 so weigh in is August 9/10 and weigh out is September 8/9.  Since the first weigh out day is my birthday I'm going to give something away to someone who weighs out at goal.  I don't yet know what I'll give away or how to determine who'll receive the items.  What would you suggest?  You can sign up for my Becoming the True You DietBet at any time between now and then.  For a reminder of the rules and guidelines please feel free to revisit My First DietBet post.

Last night I weighed in down 2.8 lbs so I easily wiped out last week's gain.  I'm really enjoying Les Mills Combat program but kind of tired of the Combat 30 Kickstart workout.  I'm not sure what it is about that workout that's bothering me besides it being scheduled more than once a week LOL.  Last week's rest days were with Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown.  I wasn't too thrilled with those either...the meltdown was a let down to me.  Yesterday was with Mari Windsor Cardio Pilates and that didn't do anything for me either.

Saturday is the first 60 minute workout and I have another scheduled for Sunday.  If I decide not to do the back to back workouts I'm not sure what I'll do instead.  Maybe take an actual rest day and not have any yoga or Pilates next week so that I have the time in on the program. of the benefits of working out at home instead of in a class!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Congrats on your weight loss! I love the flexibility of home workouts too :)

  2. You are doing GREAT on this DietBet challenge. Keep going and I have learned folks join a few days RIGHT BEFORE it starts so you have time for people to join your challenge. :-) #wowlinkup

    1. I was amazed at the number that signed up for yours last minute (and even after it started)!

  3. Great job on the DietBet challenge! I have mixed feelings about DietBet so I'm not sure if I'll join but I love how you're using it to kick your progress up a notch! #wowlinkup

  4. Great job on your weight loss!! I love a good challenge to kick things up a notch!

  5. You're doing great! I love your IG photos! Good luck starting a DietBet. It's fun that it's ending on your birthday.

  6. I think we are going to do another one in October but I will be there cheering everyone on. I think I will be at my goal weight in a couple weeks. You look great. #wowlinkup

  7. Wow! You are amazing. I want to lose weight, but I have no clue how to start.
    Visiting from the SITS Sharefest

  8. Great progress! Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real Party. We are starting a Facebook group for Let's Get Real bloggers as a place where we can get to know each other a bit better and support each other's blogs. We would love to have you join. If you're interested, please send the email address for your personal FB page (we aren't able to add people from their blog pages) to me at gc @ and I will send you an invitation to the group.
