
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Weighing in and Up

I just about freaked out when I weighed myself yesterday to see how I was doing on the DietBet.  The scale showed I was up 3 lbs from Sunday!  I've never seen a gain like that since starting to weigh myself.  I figured a gain because of TOM and starting a new workout but not THAT much!  The scale at Weight Watchers showed only a 1.8 lb gain so that was more in line.  Perhaps Sundays are my lowest weight day.  (BTW the pot's up to $1200!)

Saturday I started the Les Mills Combat program.  I've been trying to figure out how to adjust the schedule since it's so hard to get 60 minutes in during the week so I want to do those workouts on the weekend.  But I'm not sure if I'd survive back to back 60 minute workouts like that.  One person has said just play it by ear.  Another said don't do it.  I'd like to see what the general consensus is on this.  Have you done 60 minutes two days in a row? Please comment about your experience.

Here's the initial schedule I've come up with

I tried a second zucchini recipe this weekend.  These Zucchini Tots from Skinnytaste tasted just like tater tots!  I was shocked at the flavor and wanted to gobble them all up myself.  Benny also said they had a potato taste; Austin refused to even try them (not even the zucchini bread either).

On today's walk I picked up some green bell peppers, lettuce, and kale.  It's not very hot out but I sure came back sweaty! LOL

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Zucchini tots? I'm going to have to try that recipe!


  2. I've never tried Les Mills anything but in general you should do what your body tells you. Yes, you should push yourself but not to the point of injury.

    The zucchini tots sound interesting.

  3. I definitely need to try those zucchini tots. I miss tater tots so anything that tastes like them but is healthy is a must for me. #wowlinkup

  4. I am in WW too. I have 10 lbs left to lose and it's been an uphill climb, but I'm pushing through! Those zucchini tots sound yummy!

  5. You will lose but don't go overboard with exercise sometimes a few days of rest does a body good. #wowlinkup

  6. The tater tots look delicious! I have seen this recipe, but I always enjoy reading from other people that have tried it out! #wowlinkup

  7. I think 2x60 mins in a row might be a bit much if you're not used to it. I remember back when I used to do kickboxing, originally it was just a Wednesday night thing and then they decided to run it on Tuesday's too.. I remember I was in soo much pain after doing both days that it didn't really seem worth it because it stops you from doing other things as well.

  8. It can be so disheartening to see the scale go up. Just keep eating healthy and exercising and it will even out. I love skinny taste. I'll have to try those toys
