
Thursday, July 10, 2014

My First DietBet

To help get me to the 100 lbs lost goal by Labor Day I've signed up for my first DietBet.  I'm joining Diatta over at Femme Fitale Fit Club for this challenge.  I'll be using my home scale for this so it'll be interesting to see the differences each week between Weight Watchers and home.

  1. Challenge:  Lose 4% of your starting weight in 28 days.
  2. Registration & Official Rules here:
  3. Bet Amount:  $25 added to the challenge pot
  4. Official Start Date:  July 14 (MONDAY!)
  5. Official End Date:  August 10
  6. Weigh in:  July 12/13
  7. Weigh out:  No more than 2 days after the end date
  8. Open to men and women 18+

  1. On July 12th DietBet will prompt you to weigh in.  You'll be given a secret word to use during the challenge.
  2. In addition to recording your starting weight you'll need to take two before pictures - one of you standing and the other of your scale with your feet showing.  You'll need to be barefooted (socks are OK) and not be wearing a belt or anything extra for this.  These pictures will be uploaded to the challenge.
  3. Exercise and eat healthy throughout the challenge to play along.
  4. Take your after pictures the same way as the before ones.  These will also need to be uploaded to the challenge with your weigh out.
  5. The winner will be paid 48 hours after the challenge ends.
Diatta held a Hangout on G+ with some tips on how to lose weight the healthy way as an aid to challenge participants.  Check it out here.

How have you done on a DietBet?


  1. You can do it! I will be checking in on your blog to see your progress. Amber N

  2. That is a great way to stay motivated and accountable. You can do it!

  3. Congrats!! The first step in a challenge like this is putting your goal in writing. We're rooting for you!

  4. This sounds like a great way to lose weight. I am rooting for you too!

  5. I've never heard of diet bet. It sounds like a fun way to hold yourself accountable.

  6. Good luck!! Winning $$ is always a good influencer!
