
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bye Bye 160's!

I knew I lost this week but not how much.  Last night I weighed in down another 4.4 lbs!  May 13th was the last time I had that much of a loss.

Since the beginning of May I've lost
.25 in off my thighs
.38 in off my arms
.5 in off my chest
1.25 in off my hips

Yesterday Benny said that I didn't need to get back down to my high school weight.  It's not a NEED; that weight just happens to be in the ideal range.  So I looked online last night to bring up ideal weight calculators. had the most variety out of what I saw.
There were some other interesting things calculated on other sites.  Take
I discovered afterwards that according to my wrist circumference my frame is large not medium.

There were other sites but I didn't capture the URLs such as these two.

Everything says my goal weight of 130 lbs is spot on!

Monday I followed up with my Dr.  He said the ER diagnosed me with pleurisy but that didn't make sense based on my symptoms.  He's just as much at a loss as I am!  If it happens again we'll look at other tests like the stress test to see what all is going on.  I said that I don't know how I'd do that since I don't run LOL.  As far as the exercise induced neurocardiogenic syncope symptoms (nurse never actually showed him my message but he skimmed it there in the room) he gave a couple of ideas.  Add some salt to my water that I'm drinking with my workouts so that I'm replenishing salt while losing it with the sweat.  Also, get another fan to keep me cooler.  I told him that I might knock it over with all my bouncing around during the workouts LOL.

My primary workout program this week was the 21 Day Fix.  The GPS wasn't working on my phone so the mileage wasn't recorded during my walk Wednesday.  Saturday morning I did Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickboxing to try and combat whatever I was going to eat at the neighbor's.

The cookout at the neighbor's went well.  I was chilly the whole night for some reason; everyone else was at least comfortable.  Several of us were devoured by insects; my legs almost look like I have a rash with so many bites.  Hydrocortisone doesn't stop the itching for me anymore so I had to find something else.  I discovered this Calagel® Medicated Anti-itch Gel at Dollar General and it appears to be working.  I put it on Monday night and I was able to sleep without itching.  I reapplied it during my lunch yesterday then forgot it on my desk so I was itchy all night LOL.

What do you use to treat insect bites?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. 4.4 loss over a holiday - that is awesome!!

  2. Way to go!! I HATE insect bites. I like calagel too!

  3. Fantastic loss this week! You're doing so great!

  4. I tried one of those calculators.... I've got farther to go than I thought! Oh well.

    Great loss this week!

  5. Woohoo! Such a great feeling to get to that point #wowlinkup

  6. Woo hoo! You are a rock star!
    Thank you for motivating me & others

  7. Awesome loss! How do you like the 21 day fix? I'm doing PiYo right now and am considering it when I finish.

    1. I really liked the workouts but not the eating plan as it was too restrictive for me. Also, because I always burned under 300 calories I believe the calorie chart wasn't right for me; it's based on a 400 calorie burn. My results are in this post -

  8. Wow amazing progress! I wouldn't worry too much about getting to that magic 130 number as long as you get to a place where you feel healthy, happy, and strong! #wowlinkup

    1. Yes, 130 is just the target. If I hit a plateau under the 145.6 lbs mark I figure that's my body's natural weight and switch to maintenance mode.

  9. It's so hard to understand what is ideal. There are so many standards and so many factors for why someone's weight is what it is. Congrats on the weight loss and I know you are gonna KILL IT in the DietBet challenge! #wowlinkup

    1. And all the ideal charts are using outdated methods. Someone (wink wink) needs to come up with a more current method.

  10. Wow. That is some seriously impressive willpower over a holiday!

    1. I lost weight over Christmas too and didn't gain (even after not working out for 3 weeks due to veritgo) until I started working out again.

  11. So glad things are going better and that you're leaving the 160s behind :) I have a video coming up about finding your ideal weight. When I post it, I'll let you check it out for another idea. It's definitely interesting all the different calculators out there! #wowlinkup

  12. Great loss!! Congrats! Oh and you may have been cold because as you lose weight your body will tend to be colder. One of the weight loss things they don't mention often

    1. Nah, I've always been cold. I'd freeze my friends with my icy hands and feet.

  13. Way to go!!!
    (Bug bites usually only bother me when they are fresh. Fortunately, they don't keep me awake. I hope your itch didn't last too long!)

    1. Mine bother me for days, depending on where they are. The ones on the back of the knees or those at the bra or pant line are the worst!

  14. I like that you shared all of those resources for how to determine your ideal weight and such. Great tips/knowledge. Plus, motivating. Congrats on the success!

  15. I bet this is one time you're happy to say good-bye! Nice progress!

  16. Such wonderful progress! Congrats on all of your hard work!

  17. wow what an awesome loss and over a holiday to way to go.
