
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

16.2 Miles to Go

I weighed in last night down 1.6 lbs.  That puts me at a total of 104 lbs lost and 16.2 lbs to reach my goal weight.

Last night at Weight Watchers, instead of giving our individual 90 second stories, our leader set it up like a panel.  She played Meredith Vieira.  The other two giving their stories were lifetime members (sat on either side of me).  This way was a lot better for me - less stage fright!  We didn't have a chance to do the Enterprise song but the leader said that we could do it when I get to goal.

So why did I start with Weight Watchers anyway? I signed up with a diabetes prevention study that was sponsored by them. The IU Health researchers took your weight, blood pressure and some blood to test your A1C and cholesterol. Matching your numbers up to their chart they assign you to receive one or two years of Weight Watchers. You return for checkups about every 6 months.

I qualified for two years. If I wasn't a part of the study I wouldn't have ever joined Weight Watchers....I just couldn't afford it. I don't know if anyone else in the study has had the success I've had. I was in a focus group of some participants but everyone else seemed to have given up. A couple had discovered conditions that needed addressed; they were totally unaware of the issues before joining the study. So there are at least three of us who gained something from participating in this study. So why don't more people sign up and participate in them?

Photo Credit: NYCArthur via Compfight cc

I keep getting these tweets that something I've posted is featured in someone's  So I signed up for one just to play around with it, although I don't really understand what the point of it is.  Have you set up a daily/weekly/monthly?  Did you see any benefit from it?

I kind of enjoyed running the birthday clean eating challenge last week so I think I'll run one (almost) every month.  October's theme is fall cleaning, preparing yourself for the winter.  This month's challenge will be October 13-19 (begins on Columbus Day).  If you're interested in participating, friend me on Facebook and leave a comment below so I know who you are.

If you can't tell, I've been playing with a new program to create graphics (I've already forgotten how I came across the site).  Canva seems to have a great variety but I'm not too sure with some of their templates. They can be difficult to manipulate and fit what you're wanting.  But I suppose that can be an issue with any free graphics program.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. It looks like you used Canva for your new graphics. There are too many options in Canva for me. Overwhelming!!! While I like their template it throws me OFF. What is this Fall Clean Eating challenge? Do tell more. #wowlinkup

    1. Sent you the links on FB to the event pages from the birthday challenge I did last week and the fall challenge.

  2. Hey Cassi how tall are you? Why is your goal 16 pounds? #wowlinkup

    1. I'm 5ft4. Early on I set my ultimate goal weight as 130 lbs, in the middle of my healthy weight range, so there are 16.2 lbs to go. If I see things level off before I hit 130 then I'll re-evaluate my goal.

  3. Wow congrats on the progress! Your journey has definitely been super inspiring! #wowlinkup
