
Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall Bucket List

Image Courtsey of Nuttapong |

I'm participating in The SITS Girls' Back to Blogging Challenge this week.  Today's assignment is to write out your fall bucket list.  I've never really written anything like this before so it's a challenge in itself.  I had to search online to find out what others have done to come up with my own list.

Have a photo shoot. Pictures taken either outside, among the leaves, or in a studio.  This would both be to show off my new size and so I'll have new family pictures.  The last one we had was from our vacation to Panama City Beach back in 2011.  So much has changed since then!

Make something with pumpkins.  I don't remember ever making anything (on my own that is) with pumpkins.  I'd want to make something other than pie or bread.  Perhaps I'll try these cookies.

Make caramel apples.  Austin requested this one last weekend.

Dress up for Halloween.  This one is always on my fall to-do list. The past two years I created my costume but this year I don't know what I'm going to be.  Austin wants to be the grim reaper.  Besides a zombie or ghost, what would go along with that?

Bake more things with apples.  I enjoyed making the apple crisp recipe from Truvia although it didn't turn out as expected.

I think that's a great start for my first real bucket list.  What 5 things would you have on your list?


  1. Taking photographs during such a colorful season sounds like a perfect addition to anyone's bucket list.

  2. Pumpkin cookies with hot chocolate are the best :-)

  3. Wow, those pumpkin cookies look amazing! I'm such a sucker for anything pumpkin. I found your blog via the SITS girls link up, congratulations on your weight loss progress and best of luck with the journey! Life is a wonderful one :) Happy fall!!

  4. Baking goodies with apples is on my fall bucket list as well! :) I'm hoping to spend some time on Pinterest coming up with ideas, but if you find anything fantastic, please stop over to and share it with me!

  5. I can't wait to make things with apples as well, looking forward to the Apple Cider Donuts from the Orchard. #SITSGirls

  6. One of the items on our fall bucket list is to do family photos. It's been years since we had a picture done.

  7. I too hope to get family photos done in among the falling leaves. Definitely a great start to your Fall bucket list!

  8. We did a Fall photo shoot and it was a nice change from the beach scenery!

  9. I am so excited for Halloween! :) My bucket list additions consist of trick or treating with my baby. He is going to be a Super Saiyan from DragonBallZ via Daddy's request.
