
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I've Started a Weightlifting Routine

Last night I weighed in down .4 lbs...not quite making up the .6 lbs gain from last week.  (I had forgotten to publish my post last week but you can catch up here.)

Monday I started the New Rules of Lifting for Women workout.  I have to admit it's kind of boring having to count my reps and not just follow along like you do with DVD programs.  This first stage is supposed to be 6 weeks long but I don't know if I'm going to make it.

Since I'm working out at home and not at a gym I don't have access to the equipment needed to do some of these exercises.  So I've swapped them for another one in the same category.

Workout A Modifications
  • Seated Row swapped for Bent Over Row
  • Step-up swapped for Weighted Lunge
  • Prone Jackknife swapped for Reverse Crunch
Monday I completed two sets of 15 reps and one set of 12 reps for all of Workout A.  I used my 8 lb weights for the whole workout.  Will see how I can challenge myself with this on Friday.

Workout B Modifications
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldown swapped for Dumbbell Pullover
  • Swissball Crunch swapped for a regular Crunch
Today it wasn't as consistent for me with Workout B compared to A....Deadlift was three sets of 15 reps with 8 lb weights.  Dumbbell Shoulder Press was three sets of 15 reps with 3 lb weights.  Dumbbell Pullover was three sets of 15 reps with 3 lb weights.  Lunge was two sets of 12 reps and one set of 10 reps with 8 lb weights.  Crunch was three sets of 15 reps.

Yesterday's workout was a total body cardio kickboxing video from Grokker.  Not a good one to follow all those lunges from Workout A; my right thigh is still aching today!  I found out about Grokker in the Fitfluential email last week.  The FFWellness October challenge is their 28 day program.  I don't know how much of it I'll be following but I'll see what all they have each week.  I'll probably do another one of the Grokker videos for my workout tomorrow.

Speaking of Fitfluential...I'm officially an Ambassador!  I think I'm in all their Facebook groups so now I just have to get on my computer at home to add my details to the documents there.  I can't wait to see what kinds of opportunities will arise from this!  (I copied the badge code from one of the welcome emails and put it on my sidebar but it doesn't come out correctly.  If anyone has the code please contact me so I can see what's wrong.)

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. I am so happy to hear you are picking up the weights. Women tend to be so scared of them but they really are the key in my opinion. I get some folks want to be cardio bunnies but weights are where it is at!!!! Great job. #wowlinkup

    1. I've never been scared of weights...but how much I lift I can get scared. My strength has always been in my legs so I need to get something in my arms now LOL

  2. YAY! I LOVE LOVE weights, much more than cardio and it's the key the changing your body. Nice work!! :) Good luck!

    1. I've had some exposure to weights in the various DVD programs I've done but this is the first time I'm concentrating on them.

  3. Welcome to the FFA family :) I started lifting heavy about two years ago, coming from a strictly running background. My body composition has changed completely (for the better) and I'm infinitely stronger and faster than I ever was. Stick with it, it pays off :)

    1. Thanks! I plan to stick with some kind of weightlifting routine but just have to see what I like. And eventually get heavier weights (once the 8 lb weights don't bother me so much with the shoulder press and similar exercises).

  4. Welcome to Fitfluential! I am in the very early stages of lifting, and I still have a lot to learn! Thanks for this post!

    1. Thanks! There's so much out there on lifting but I haven't discovered much info on doing it at home. I'm unable to pay for a gym membership so I'm always looking how to change up what I find.

  5. oh great ideas for modifying these workouts at home! I'm going to use some of these in my routine!

  6. Yay welcome to Fitfluential! I look forward to seeing you around the FB groups :) #wowlinkup

  7. A program like NROL is so much better when done in some type of company. A workout partner would be great. If not, it's nice to do it in a gym and you'll get the occasional spotter or share a rack with someone. I would suggest making your home into an environment that you love. Blast your music. Wear fun clothes. Login to places like and talk about your PR's. If you get through it, the results are amazing so stick with it!

    1. Music on DVDs are too loud for me so I keep the volume low. I can always tell when Benny has used that TV since the volume is 2-3x higher than what I keep it at. I did register at a few weeks ago but don't know how I want to use it.

  8. I'm glad you are adding in strength training! It's going to be so great for your continued progress. At the last fitness conference I attended, one of the speakers recommended the NROL book as a good one. I haven't read it yet, but will enjoy hearing about your results. #wowlinkup
