
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Trick or Treat

The forecast for trick-or-treating is frightful with rain and possible snow flurries!  I am going to freeze in my costume :/

I weighed in Tuesday night up 1.2 lbs because of TOM.  Over this journey I've often had a gain during this week so I don't expect a loss.  I don't believe that I eat more or differently but I think I have water weight almost every time.  So in a way my body tricks me every month.

Since I don't have the heavy weights like you're supposed to be using with NROLFW I'm looking for another program once these 6 weeks of Stage 1 are up.  So I'll be ready for something new to start November 17th.  It was recommended that I check out Jen Sinkler, ZuzukaLight, & Neghar Fonooni on YouTube because of my limited equipment.  Are there any others I should be checking out?

When you file a complaint about a neighbor's dog barking (see my post from two weeks ago) this is the letter you receive.  Finding 3 witnesses will be tough.  With the layout of the neighborhood I don't know that anyone else hears the barking when they're inside.  We purchased one of those anti-barking devices on Amazon and put it in our bedroom window since the dog's often at that corner barking but so far it hasn't had any effect.

Week of Workout Treats

Friday was NROLFW Stage 1 Workout A.  I completed 60 squats, pushups, rows, & reverse crunches, along with 48 lunges.

Saturday I completed the Total Body Yoga workout with Tim Senesi.  It was the annual Halloween festival in Irvington so we had to park about a half mile away from the library and walk.  I turned on the walking apps but silly me forgot to turn them off when I got into the car.  I got my fastest speed that day! LOL

Monday was NROLFW Stage 1 Workout B.  I threw in another set, completing 75 deadlifts, pullovers, shoulder presses, & crunches, along with 48 lunges.

Tuesday I wanted to do a kickboxing DVD but woke up with an upset stomach.  So I did the 21 Day Fix Pilates workout instead.

(Ha! I just realized while writing this post I did the wrong workout yesterday LOL)  Yesterday I used the 8 lb dumbbells for the whole NROLFW Stage 1 Workout B.  Because of the weight I could only pull off 47 shoulder presses (15-12-10-10).  I still was able to complete 60 deadlifts, pullovers, & crunches, along with 46 lunges.

Yesterday afternoon I took my final trip to the farmer's market for the season.  I picked up 4 bunches of Swiss chard for $2 and thanked the ladies, telling them about my weight loss.  I don't know what I'm going to do until the market reopens in May.  Without a destination to visit along the way the walk just doesn't seem interesting to me.

This morning I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Kickboxing Workout 1.  The DVD kept pausing and skipping to the next section so I missed some of the workout.  Kelly was a little too fast for me with the moves, especially since some were different than what I've done with Les Mills Combat and Jillian Michaels.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. looks like a great week of workouts! I am going to have to look into this anti dog barking device, we have a horrible dog across the street. I have 2 dogs so I can sympathize, but they keep their dog in a crate on the front porch all night and he barks allllllll niiiighhhtttttt loooonngggggg

  2. You had a great workout week and my neighborhood is riddled with dogs but thank goodness they don't disturb me in the middle of the night. UGH you have to get witnesses? #wowlinkup

  3. It looks like you had a great week of workouts. I understand about the dog barking...we have a dog and try to make sure that she doesn't bark so much as to annoy the neighbors. I hope it all gets better and thanks for stopping by #wowlinkup

  4. We had the mildest Halloween I can ever remember - and I have dealt with barking dogs as well! Thanks for commenting on my SITS feature today!

  5. I don't have a problem with barking dogs but that is good information for future use. Do you have rest days? #wowlinkup
