
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Entering Beast Mode

Background Image Courtesy of mapichai |

I found this background removing tool at .... While it's not perfect it does a heck of a lot better than me trying to hold my hand steady and trace around a picture of me with the mouse!

I weighed in last night up .4 lbs.  Not really surprised with this little gain because of the soreness from being in Beast Mode.

Week of Workouts

Thursday I couldn't decide what to do so I ended up with Rockin' Body Party Express.

Friday I designed my own workout from Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2.  I did the squats then upper body standing and floor routines.

The original Body Beast Lean Schedule (with my color coding for times) from the auto scheduler in WOWY.

Saturday I rested up to prepare to begin Body Beast on Sunday.  First up was Build: Chest/Tris.  The decline pushups seemed easier than regular ones...I guess because I didn't have to worry about my legs.  I sure could feel this workout in my shoulders!

The modifications I made to fit my availability

Monday I was still feeling tenderness in my shoulders so I was glad that it was Build: Legs day.  One of the exercises is seated calf raises.  Umm...I felt nothing with them.  Do I have to have super heavy weights sitting on my legs to feel like I did anything?  What's up with that Sagi?

Yesterday I still felt tenderness in my shoulders but could feel it going away.  I felt kinda pooped doing Beast: Cardio & Abs.  I was more into it this workout than I was last Sunday.

This morning was Build: Shoulders.  Dumbbell shrugs are another one where I felt nothing...even with 11 lbs.  I struggle so much with lifting focusing on the shoulder muscles that I pretty much stuck with the 3 lb dumbbells for most of the workout.

So for the first three weeks Thursdays will be my rest day.  The following five weeks I switched it to Sunday but it could also be Saturday, depending on how I feel.  You can take a look here to view the schedules in Google Docs.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. You are ROCKING this! Glad your gain from working out was less than mine!! You are definitely a beast. Get it!

  2. You are definitely in beast mode, wow! Great job! #wowlinkup

  3. Sorry about the gain, but holy cow! What an intense program! You're doing amazing!

  4. Sounds like a super intense program! Your gain will surely turn into a loss after this program. #Wowlinkup

  5. Sounds like you have done the propper planning and are committed to your regime.

  6. .4 is nothing compared to all you have gained and lost. Still an inspiration for the world to see so thank you for sharing your triumphs with us each week! #wowlinkup

  7. You look great. How many people recognize you now? Be careful of your shoulder and I would do some shoulder warm ups before lifting. #wowlinkup
