
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lifting Queen?

I weighed in last night down 1.4 lbs, making up all but .8 lbs of the gain from the past two weeks!

Week of Workouts

Wednesday's Olympic lifting resulted in Olympic pain and stiffness in my upper thigh/hip joints so I took a rest day Thursday instead of Sunday.

Friday I did the second workout from Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Lift in Full Throttle - Powersculpting.  My legs still hurt so I did this one slower than I normally would've.

Saturday's yoga DVD was super long - over an hour and a half.  The intro to Mark Blanchard's Progressive Power Yoga said something about 3 sections so I expected it to be broken up.  I don't know where the other sections were...

Sunday I tried out the Body Beast Cardio workout.  Apparently I was still in slo mo because I had low burn for a cardio workout.

Sunday was also our 6th anniversary.  I had gone to Dollar General with Austin after the library Saturday but they had a sucky anniversary card selection so I had to buy stuff to make my own card.  Benny didn't snooze long enough Saturday so I had to wait until Sunday morning to make the card.  This is what I came up with.

And my 6 roses with card from Benny...the other half of the dozen are in the front room where I workout.

Monday I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Split Sessions Workout One - Upper Body.  I managed to use the 8 lb weights almost the whole workout but I did get lightheaded for some reason towards the end.

Tuesday I did three of Zuzka Light's videos on YouTube.  They're all short so you have to combine them to make a worthwhile workout.  I didn't like the combinations the YouTube app offered me on our Blu-ray.  Too disorganized of a workout for me to do this regularly.

This morning I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Split Sessions Workout Two - Lower Body.  My HRM crapped out on me halfway through and stopped reading my heartbeat.  So I don't know how accurate the total from the two readings is accurate for this workout.

What's Next?

I am starting Body Beast next week.  I copied the schedule and re-arranged it to something that should work for me.  You can see the original and my schedules here following the Lean plan.  For any ladies who have done Body Beast, do you have any tips?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Awesome job lady and how sweet - roses! #wowlinkup

  2. Well happy 6th anniversary! And 1 1/2 hours of yoga?! While I love yoga thats a long stretch. Kudos to you for keeping up your workouts.

  3. Aww that card is so cute! Happy anniversary! #wowlinkup

  4. Awesome, congrats on your weight loss, i guess that is the only time you can say congrats on your loss to someone right ;-b

  5. Congrats. Looks like you're doing really well!

  6. You rock my friend! I just started working out at home and find it so hard to keep my motivation. You're amazing!
