
Monday, November 10, 2014

LG OLED Curved TVs Now at Best Buy

Before spotting this I never knew curved TVs existed!  The screens at the theater are curved so why hasn't this concept flowed down to consumer TVs?

The LG OLED TV is not only curved but it's super thin - under 1/4" thick at it's thinnest point (.21").   That's about the same thickness as two of my sweaters put together!  The picture quality is spectacular with a wide range of color thanks to Infinite Contrast.  This makes the viewing more natural and lifelike.  LG's exclusive 4 Color Pixel technology brings bright, vibrant, deep, and rich colors.

Some things in life defy all explanation and must be experienced to be believed such as your first kiss,  your child's first steps, finding money you didn't know you had, or the feeling you get when your idea actually works.  Such is the case with LG's latest display technology that makes the OLED TV a dream holiday wishlist item.

Because curved TVs aren't mainstream yet the price is a little steep for the consumers like me.  Best Buy’s everyday price is $3499.99. Learn more or purchase here: LG  55EC9300 SKU# 7846019 – OLED TV.

Do you love twitter parties? Best Buy is hosting an LG OLED Twitter Party on Thursday December 4th at 7PM CST. Feel free to join this party for a chance to receive Best Buy gift cards and other great prizes. Tweet #HintingSeason with your top gifts that you want this Holiday from Best Buy.

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

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