
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

I popped into Weight Watchers while we were out last night and weighed in up 1.2 lbs. First time since starting this journey that I didn't go to a meeting so I felt a little weird at first but shrugged it off quickly. There's only so many hours in a day so you must do what you can when you can!

The other day I actually remembered to take a picture of the two chest straps I've used for my HRM.  My original one fit M-XXL and my new one fits XS-S.  Didn't realize a bit of the old one got cut off.

Week of Workouts

Thursday I stuck it to the cardio and abs workout.

Friday I worked my back.

I wrapped up week 5 on Saturday working my shoulders.

Monday I was back to the grind working my chest. Burned a little more this week than last but my heart rate stays low since most of this workout I'm on my back.

Yesterday I had a great burn with leg day!

This morning I worked my arms.

Plumbing Chaos Leading into Christmas

For a while whenever I do laundry a horrible stench comes out of the shower in the master bath.  We've just been closing the bathroom door with the fan on so it doesn't permeate the bedroom.  This last week water started coming up in the kitchen sink.  So I called our home warranty company to get a plumber out.

It had been 8 business hours (how long they have to get someone to contact us) and no plumber called me.  I double checked with the warranty company but they hadn't found anyone yet so I called the company that repaired the spigot on the back side of the house during the blizzard this past January.  They came out Friday afternoon and determined there was a clog between the laundry and sink but the smell was due to the remodel (before he house was put on the market) failing to install a p trap to prevent sewer gases from entering the house.

There was a lot of miscommunication between the warranty company and the plumbers.  Monday we got it all situated, or so I thought.  Apparently warranty doesn't pay until the company faxes proof we've paid our deductible, which is about 2-3 hours later.  The plumber requires payment at the time of service so that doesn't work for them.  So now I'm back to square one waiting on the warranty company to locate someone.

Of course this happens right before we're supposed to head to Ohio to visit my family for Christmas.  (By the time you're reading this post we'll have already been on the road.)  So my only choice would be to wash all our clothes at a Laundromat before leaving.  Last night it was chaos with picking up the rental, weighing in, and shopping. Couldn't decide what to get my grandmother (who has Alzheimer's) and forgot a cousin!

This morning was frantic wrapping and packing along with last minute shopping.

I hope you all have a better Christmas week than we have had!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

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