
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

I weighed in last night down 2 lbs, just .4 lbs away from goal! Here's to ringing in the first weigh in for 2015 at goal.

Week of Workouts
I didn't actually get to working my arms Christmas Eve.  I was too busy with wrapping and packing. I guess you can say I got an abs workout instead LOL

Christmas morning I got in the arms workout before Austin opened presents. 

Friday was cardio and abs in the morning. We took a little bit of a stroll through German Village in the afternoon.

Saturday I worked my back.

Week 6 wrapped up Sunday working my shoulders.

Everything was back on schedule Monday working my chest.

Yesterday was leg day.

This morning I worked my arms.

Physical Therapy
My doctor and I believe my headaches stem from the neck and shoulders area so he referred me to physical therapy. I met with a PT Tuesday morning. She found many tight and tender spots in the whole region. I was sent home with six exercises to do every day.

At some point I brought up vertigo.  The PT said it could also have something to do with everything going on in my neck and shoulder region. I'd said that very thing to the doctor back in January with my last episode!  The PT ended up transferring me to another who happens to specialize in treating vertigo. So I'm hoping that this physical therapy takes care of both problems!

2015 Goals

Well, I didn't meet many of my 2014 Goals but I'd like to keep some of them for next year.  The first few listed below are the carry-overs. I'll continue to add/update my goals throughout the year.
  1. Sell or donate the clothes that are too big for me now.  (I gave my mom the 1X/16s but the rest need to go somewhere.)
  2. Meet new people (in person not just online).
  3. Partner with some places to host fit clubs.
  4. Make a social media schedule and stick to it so I'm not always on.
  5. Start making money with the Beachbody business to cover my expenses.  (I made a little bit this year but that didn't cover anything.)
  6. Have $100 per week additional spending money.
  7. Have at least 2 blog posts every week.  (Need more guest posters!)
  8. Increase monthly page views.
  9. Continue working on improving my overall health.
  10. Find personal development programs that pique my interest (and keep it!).
  11. Successfully maintain my goal weight.
  12. Take a vacation somewhere warm.
  13. Visit the eye doctor and get new glasses.
  14. Obtain group fitness and wellness coaching certification from NETA.
What is one thing you know you want to accomplish in the new year?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Cassie it has indeed been awesome watching you transform post after post and sharing your journey with all of us. I know it can't be easy and I am truly grateful for your passion and dedication. Keep it up and I might need your non-fitting clothes at the rate you are going. LOL. Have an awesome new year! #wowlinkup

  2. Congrats on your weight loss journey and all of your accomplishments. Happy New Year!

  3. Great goals for 2015! And congrats on all of your weight loss progress, you look fantastic! #wowlinkup

  4. Wow that is quite the list! I have three goals every month that I lay out for six months it helps me to keep things organized without being overwhelmed! All my love and happy New Years xo C

  5. Way to go Cassie! Congrats - I wish you an incredible 2015. Cheers!

  6. Way to go!! These are also some great goals for 2015. My main goal is to improve my running and eat healthy this year #wowlinkup

  7. Come out and visit SD! It's warm here! All the time. Haha! Found your page they the link up with The ValentineRd
