
Wednesday, January 7, 2015


There were no changes in measurements when Benny checked me Monday night. I weighed in last night down 1.6 lbs, surpassing my goal weight! I'm now in Maintenance for six weeks before reaching Lifetime at Weight Watchers. The aim is to stay in the 138-142 lb weight range. I now have an 6 extra points a day to idea what else I WANT to eat.  What did you add to your daily food intake when you hit maintenance?
Weight Maintenance
So how do you succeed in maintenance? The little booklet they provide when you reach goal gives 5 simple steps.
  1. Enjoy your extra food each day. (As long as you don't go overboard, you'll be OK.)
  2. Continue exploring ways to make the Plan work for you.
  3. Continue attending meetings and weighing in regularly.
  4. Keep (or start) moving!
  5. Look forward to Lifetime Membership.
Week of Workouts
Thursday was cardio and abs.
Friday I worked my back.
Week 7 wrapped up Saturday working my shoulders.
Monday I worked my chest.
Tuesday was lightheaded leg day.
Combo headache this morning so I made it a rest day.  (Delayed onset headache from PT maybe.)
Physical Therapy Week 1
Tuesday's physical therapy session focused on evaluating me for positional vertigo. Everything looked OK and I passed all the tests. Nothing brought on vertigo. My left eye did have a delay in catching up with my right eye. Not really sure what that means or if there's anything to do about it.

Today's session the PT manipulated the muscles at the base of my skull and jaw.  The little bit of pressure she applied at the base of my skull took my headache away relatively quickly.  I know I clench my jaw sometimes but never thought my muscles there would be so tight!  She also stretched my neck out several times to balance everything out.  At the end she had me lay there with a heated neck wrap.  That felt good but more because IT'S FREEZING OUT!

No clue how much the physical therapy is going to cost me.  I'm sure if Benny saw the pricing he would say quit now.  I really wish the medical and insurance professions were more transparent in pricing so you can better plan for things.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Congrats on reaching goal weight! That is an amazing accomplishment! Cant wait to follow the rest of your journey now that I found your blog through WIW!

  2. Surpassing your goal weight... sooo incredibly amazing!! Congratulations!!! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Physical Therapy can prices can be brutal. I had therapy in the fall because of my knee. After 8 sessions, I choose to stop because I knew what to do as far as rehabbing my knee. The scale is the best way for me to keep my weight in check.#wowlinkup

  4. Congrats on hitting your goal weight! You're a beast! I love seeing your workout photos on instagram!

  5. CONGRATS! You are so inspiring. :) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

  6. Congrats!! Talk about motivating, I am 15lbs away from mine!!! Thank you for this...#workingmomwednesdaybloghop #pinnedtotheboard

  7. Way to go!!! You're looking awesome!

  8. I am so happy to hear about your continued progress. I can't believe it's been like a YEAR!!! What a difference a year makes. #wowlinkup

  9. Congratulations on surpassing your goal weight!!!

  10. Congrats! You look fabulous. Keep up the good work! #wowlinkup
