
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

First Week of Maintenance

On this first week of maintenance I weighed in up 1.8 lbs but I'm still in my goal range!  I didn't do many adjustments because it was also TOM week so I already expected some gain.  This is the week to see what I need to do.

Week of Workouts

Thursday was cardio and abs.

Friday I worked my back.  The picture I took for Instagram looks like I'm flapping wings as fast as a hummingbird! LOL

A photo posted by Cassandra Schmigotzki (@longandwindingroadtowellness) on

Saturday I wrapped up week 8 pulling double duty working my arms and shoulders.

This final 4 week phase of Body Beast has a mix of phase 1 and 2.  Sunday was one of the workouts from phase 1 - Build: Back/Bis.

Monday was Bulk: Legs.

Yesterday was Cardio & Abs again.  Thursday will be the same so it's like 3 leg days in week 9!

This morning was Build: Shoulders.


I've been given the opportunity to review two different probiotics.  I didn't expect to get them at the same time so I'm not sure how to handle this.  Any recommendations?  I'm thinking about alternating weeks between the two.  What is your favorite type of probiotic?

First up is the LiviaOne Daily Liquid Probiotics.  This is my first liquid supplement so it will be a different experience for me.  The bottle arrived Monday so I started it yesterday.

The second one is the 3 Microbiome Plus+ GI Probiotic which arrived yesterday.  I will be doing a giveaway for this one with 5 winners!


Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Your workouts always impress me... so motivating! Great job!

  2. Congrats on getting to maintenance mode! I actually think that's the hardest spot to be in.

  3. Dang! Look at your guns! Congratulations, you look amazing.

  4. Great job with your workouts! Body Beast sounds tough, but I've read good things about it. You're looking good! #wowlinkup

  5. You're doing we well! Congrats on sticking with it!!!

  6. You look great. After maintaining your weight for a while, you will find out works best for you. #wowlinkup

  7. Congrats on getting to maintenance mode! Your shoulders and upper chest look great!

  8. Keep up the great work. I'm curious to find out what you think of the probiotics. They may take some time to "work" so be patient.

  9. Cassie I am so proud of you and how far you have come. You are an inspiration to us all. #wowlinkup

  10. I love your workout faces; they say: I mean business! Good luck on reaching your goals!

  11. You're looking great - you've got some mean guns!

  12. Okay, you look fierce, but like you have fun with it...I can't wait to get to maintenance phase, you are really inspiring...thanks for linking up to #workingmomwednesdays #pinned and #tweeted
