
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My First Races

Last night was my first Lifetime weigh in.  I was up .8 lbs from 2 weeks ago but still in my lil window so I'm happy.  Now we'll see how I do after a month....
My First Races!

At the library Tuesday on the way to Weight Watchers I spotted this card.  I stuck it in my purse to look at it later.  Wednesday I looked up the races on Eventbrite and told Benny I wanted to walk them.  After all it's only about a mile longer than I walked almost every week to the farmer's market!  Thursday I signed up for the series!  Now, I wonder if I'll have anyone to walk with.....

Englewood Race for Roofs - March 28th

Brookside Bash Color Dash - May 16th (Benny's birthday)

Arsenal Tech 5K Run & Walk - September 19th

What did I get myself into? LOL

Week of Workouts

Thursday I did Stephanie Vitorino's Body Target 60.

Friday I did Jillian Michael's Shred-It with Weights Level 2.

Saturday was Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones.

Once I saw snow in the forecast I knew it'd be another shoveling day Sunday.  We had about 7 inches this time around and, just as I'd predicted, it took about 3 hours to do.  Austin didn't help but played outside (i.e. throwing snowballs at me, having me bury him in one of the piles, digging a tunnel in another pile, etc.).  Benny showed up for about the last hour.  He had to go back and fix what he did as he narrowed the driveway about 2ft on each side.  I need all the driveway I can get to back out each morning! LOL

Monday I was worn out from all that shoveling so I rested.

Yesterday I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Lift in Full Throttle Olympic Lifting.

Today I did the other workout on Kelly's DVD - Powersculpting.

Don't forget to sign up to guest post for the BODYpeace series!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Congrats on signing up for your first race and how exciting. You don't need anyone to walk with just don't get in the front of the line. Line up in the middle back of the race and put on your music and walk to that pace. It is more important to have friends and family to see you finish the race, IMO. #wowlinkup

    1. I walk alone downtown so it's no biggie but would be a perk. It's too early for Benny but maybe I can drag Austin along to cheer me on.

  2. You're a machine when it comes to shoveling! Seriously, shoveling snow kicks my butt after just a few minutes... can't even imagine doing it for 3 hours! What a workout!!

    1. I have to take a break after the first 45 mins to 1 hour and sit but then I get a second wind and zoom through the rest.

  3. Congrats on signing up for your first race! I always find having races on my calendar to be extra motivation to work out.

  4. Congrats on signing up for your first race, so exciting!!!

  5. Congrats on signing up for your first race (and races!)

  6. How exciting! Congrats on signing up for your first races! You're going to have so much fun!

  7. I'm so excited you pulled the trigger on those races, Cassie! I think once you do one, you'll look forward to the other two more. You've got these!

  8. Congrats on your first weigh in and I can't wait to hear about your races!

  9. Are you feeling stronger and how do you plan to keep switching up your workouts? #wowlinkup

    1. Yes, I do feel stronger (even though I only use 3 & 8 lb weights) but want to continue to build. I need to get heavier weights as well as figure out a schedule. I'm thinking Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday for lifting, Wednesday & Friday for cardio, and Sunday & Monday for rest or yoga/pilates.

  10. Looking good lady! Those three races look like a lot of fun! Package deals like that are awesome. First time checking out your site btw!

  11. I love running races series. It adds even more fun to the racing experience!

    You are looking awesome friend! Keep it up!

  12. Those races look awesome! I've never been able to do an entire race series (we don't have a lot going on where I live, haha). Can't wait to hear how they go!!!

    1. I think it's only a series because one community organization coordinates it all. These three races you can register for separately, although I never saw the page for Arsenal.
