Friday, February 20, 2015

BODYpeace Series

I recently completed Heather and Kasey's #StopStrivingStartThriving Challenge, beginning my own BODYpeace discovery journey. My mind kept wandering off and not focusing whenever I tried the journaling activities so I've only just scratched the surface.
What is BODYpeace?
BODYpeace is a safety net and guidebook with a supportive Facebook community to help women rid themselves of the body shame brought on by the unrealistic perfection expected of us by society and ourselves. This journey helps you to stop using diet and exercise to restrict yourself in any way. Although it involves food it's not a diet or weight loss plan. The journey is set for 30 days but you're not expected to transform overnight. Like myself you may have to go through the journey many times before you're comfortable but you'll take away something every time. When times get tough you can always return to the individual lessons for reference and restoration.
The first half of your BODYpeace discovery journey involves BODYtruths. You learn to change your mindset and what you think about your body. Each day's lesson is accompanied with meditation and a journaling exercise. I have personally struggled with meditation over the years (i.e. every sound distracting me, dozing off, etc.) so that makes it even more difficult for me to journal.
The second half involves BODYfuels. It opens your eyes to any fears you may have about food. You learn how to look at food as fuel instead.
Starting Your BODYpeace Journey
To get started on your own discovery journey you need to:
1. Purchase a copy of BODYpeace on Amazon.

2. Go to to download the meditations and join the Facebook community.
3. Get a journal specifically for BODYpeace to use throughout your journey.

4. Set aside the time and energy to commit to this journey.

5. Set your WHY for taking this journey.
The Series
I would like to have a weekly series of guest posts starting in March for other women to share their thoughts, experiences, or what they have learned from their BODYpeace discovery journeys. Tuesdays will become #BODYfuel day where someone can share a recipe or anything else food related. Thursdays will be #BODYtruth day where someone will share what she has learned about her body (that she is comfortable in sharing of course and nothing pornographic).
If you are interested in guest posting please read the guidelines (excluding the age as a woman of ANY age can be on this journey) and complete the form here, indicating which category you want to share. I will contact you and set the timeframe for your post.
All BODYpeace images courtesy of Kasey & Heather.


  1. I haven't heard of this but I love it. I am all about empowering and inspiring women. I've had a pretty significant weight loss journey and I've learned that I am definitely more than a number on the scale. I think I'm going to have to get this book!

    1. Yes, the number on the scale is only one small part of who you are!

  2. These sounds like a really interesting series. I've been looking for a way to stop mindless eating and emotional eating, I will check this out!

    1. It's so hard to think about what you're eating sometimes. For a while you have to force yourself to think about how every bite makes you feel.

  3. Interesting! I like that it connects the mind and the body - they are so intertwined, it's not one or the other!

    1. You have to connect mind, body, and spirit at some point!

  4. Sounds like a very interesting series! I agree that food should not be restricted and instead eating should be for fuel - and even enjoyment!

    1. I think my allergies have ruined my sense of taste so I have to rely on a bunch of spices to enjoy food. I can't restrict what I can't taste! LOL

  5. This is so cool! Thank you for the info and the links. I am going to check it out on Amazon now!

  6. I haven't heard of this before either but it sounds great. I think I may take the challenge too and I may apply to participate in your March guestblogging series. I think this is something really useful to not only change the way we feel about ourselves but actually take tune out of our days to focus on ourselves in a positive way. Love it!

    1. I need to work more on the BODYtruths than BODYfuels because they can change hourly for me some days. BODYfuels are more of a financial issue for me.

  7. I've never heard of this program but I'm all for decreasing negative feelings about our bodies. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am also new to hearing about the BodyPeace movement, but I think it's positive and much-needed. I myself am guilty of being overly critical of my body, when I really shouldn't be. My body has birthed two kids, run four marathons, and climbed a mountain! Who cares if I have a flabby belly, right? :) Even though I say this, I still struggle with not being happy with the way I look.

    1. I am so with you on the flabby belly! All my loose skin from weight loss has formed a wingsuit!

  9. I haven't heard of this program before so thanks for sharing with us! Connecting mind and body is super important and I applaud your efforts!!

  10. Interesting stuff. There is an important connection...I know when I'm running and working towards goals I feel so much differently about myself as compared to when I don't. I may weigh the same or look the same but there is just something about my mental outlook that makes a huge difference.

    1. Yes, the mind must change in order for the body can.

  11. This sounds like such a great thing for those who struggle with their body image. Thinking of food as fuel as opposed to treats or being bad is such a great way to think about it. Thanks for posting about Body Peace, I hadn't heard about it.

    1. It may not be on the top of your mind that you're struggling with body image but reading BODYpeace can open your eyes to some things you hadn't thought about before.

  12. I've never heard of this program. Thanks for sharing it. I like the idea of seeing food as fuel and not recreation. It's a foreign concept to me personally, because I truly enjoy eating.

    1. It's rare when I find food that I really enjoy since I can't seem to taste much. I may fix something exactly the same way next time and it's not as powerful.

  13. I've actually never heard about Bodypeace before! I have always been a big believer that healthy living is more than just eating good and exercising, I have always thought it as mind, body and spirit:) This actually sounds like a very positive influential program:) Thanks for sharing it with us!

    1. Yes, you can't have one without the other to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  14. I've never heard of BODYpeace before, but it sounds like a great program! :] I definitely think that positivity, self-talk and mindset are a huge, huge component to living a healthy lifestyle!

    1. Yes, your mind has to be open to allow the other changes to happen.

  15. This is exactly why I am LOVING the Blog Hop. I had no idea about BodyPeace. It sounds like just what I need!

    1. I think every woman needs to read through it at least once.

  16. This sounds really interesting! I'm all about empowering girls/women. As someone who has always had an incredibly hard time being comfortable in my own skin, I think it's so important that every women is comfortable in their own bodies. Thanks for sharing the program, I'm super interested in reading more about it.

    1. I don't think I ever really thought about being comfortable in my own skin before starting my weight loss journey. It was more of a "why bother I already have a husband so I don't need to worry about anything" mentality.

  17. I've never heard of this before. I was actually just talking about why we assign good/bad to food and how she can stop. I'm going to suggest this program to her, I think it may be great for her.

    1. In BODYpeace you do evaluate light (good) and dark (bad) foods but only in the way they make your body feel (i.e. light foods don't make you feel bloated).

  18. I am looking at the book on Amazon. I think that this may be something I will try. I have never heard of the Body Peace Program, but for years the food as fuel concept really helped me with my overall diet. Unfortunately, over the last few years I have struggled with the concept. Maybe this will help me get back to a healthier relationship with food. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Since the concept has helped you in the past I'm sure you'll enjoy BODYpeace!

  19. I agree that you have to change your mindset before you can change anything physically about yourself. If you're trying to loose weight, you need to have your mind in the game, otherwise you'll be disappointed when nothing happens.

    1. It was weird when I started my weight loss journey since I wasn't really in the mindset to lose. I was only in it for the diabetes prevention study and who couldn't pass up getting 2 years of Weight Watchers for free, right?

  20. I really love the idea of being at peace with our bodies as women. It does get difficult to feel satisfied when we are constantly being told that we are not thin enough, curvaceous enough, tan enough, or fashionable enough by the media. I'm really interested in how this program works for you and can't wait to read the updates.

    1. I guess fortunately I've never gone with the mainstream LOL

  21. This is really interesting. I haven't heard of it before, but now I need to look more into it! Thanks for sharing!

  22. This is really neat! I have never heard of it before and I'd like to check it out. Thanks for letting us know about it!

  23. I truely believe that you won't love your body when it's the size you want, I think you will love when you accept it no matter what shape or size!

    1. Just like the 12-step program once you accept your body the rest will follow.

  24. This sounds fantastic. Do you know what age range this is geared towards? As a social worker, I would love to see something like this geared towards teens and pre-teens. I definitely have to look into it to learn more! Thanks for sharing.

    1. This is geared towards women of all ages and I'm sure you could use it for teens/pre-teens also.

  25. I too am a spaz with meditation. I've tried it off and on since college but just can't stay focused.
