
Friday, May 15, 2015

4 for Friday

Tuesday I weighed in down a pound but I'm still 1.6 lbs above the weight range.  Then TOM settles in early so I don't think next week will be any better....will see how things go.

I have to figure out how to get back into the groove of getting my walk AND the blog post in so I can share on time LOL

Week of Workouts

THURSDAY:  Burn Circuit 1
SATURDAY:  Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
SUNDAY:  Burn It Off! & Recharge
MONDAY:  Due to this weird stomach/abdominal pain that woke me up about 4AM I made this a rest day and even stayed home from work.  This baby bird smacked into my bedroom window while I was resting in the morning, staying on the sill about 30 minutes.

TUESDAY:  Burn Circuit 2
WEDNESDAY:  Burn Circuit 3 in the morning and walking 2.2 miles during lunch.
THURSDAY:  Burn Circuit 1
FRIDAY:  Yoga from The Yoga Collective

My Second Race

Tomorrow is my second 5K - Brookside Bash Color Dash.  Scattered showers are in the forecast so we'll see how messy I get!  This is what I think I'm wearing...tank top over the shirt they provide.

Any tips for clean up afterwards, rain or shine?
Upcoming Surgery

April's TOM lasted about 10 days.  When I told the doctor about it he said again what it was they saw on my ultrasound last year the team - a cervical polyp.  So it looks like I need to have a hysteroscopy with polypectomy to remove it.  I've never had any surgery before and the only time I was knocked out was for an upper endoscopy.  You'd think I'd be worried about the procedure but I'm not; I'm just concerned about the cost.  I finally told Benny about it.  When he looked online about the procedure he was freaking out about the potential complications instead of the money.

I'm waiting for the doctor to get back with me how we're to schedule it for late September or October.  His nurse isn't sure because for whatever reason it's to be at Eskenazi Hospital instead of IU.  She doesn't know how things work over there.

Linking up with
Pretty Strong Medicine

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. I love your tiger tank - so fierce! I've never done a color run but it's on my list. They look like so much fun!

  2. Email me with any questions regarding your procedure and what is covered - just putting it out there. You will be fine especially since you are staying in shape and in good health. You will do just fine. I also like that tank. Did you just cut it going up all around?

    1. My coworker gave me the shirt...don't know if it came like that or her daughter cut it. Yes, it's all around.

  3. Cassie you're a rock star! You'll be in and out of surgery on the road to recovery and feeling better than ever. Keep us updated.

    Thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!
