
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Color Dash Recap and a Giveaway

I weighed in Tuesday exactly the same as last week; I just wish it was back down in my goal window.  On the plus side my bikini arrived Friday!  I just need to have the top tightened somehow as it's too loose LOL  I have no plans to go anywhere with this bikini; it's just for me!  What things do you have or do that are just for you?

Week of Workouts

SATURDAY I managed to get Burn Intervals and Ab Burner in before heading out to the Brookside Bash Color Dash.  This map is from the race site.

I knew it was through the park but what I didn't realize was that there were so many hills!

This is what MapMyWalk recorded so it appears they changed the route a little.

I essentially wore 4 layers up top for the race...yet somehow the colors went all the way through.  I had a huge stripe across my abdomen, just below my bra.  There was a huge patch on my left side that looked like a bruise from the colors collecting there.  How in the world did that happen?  The Sara Lee shirt was tucked into my shorts.  The Dash shirt was over the shorts so I could get to my flipbelt for the phone.

OK, back to the regular workouts....

SUNDAY was Burn It Off! and Recharge.
MONDAY I wrapped up the Burn phase with Burn Circuit 2
TUESDAY was an active rest day with Yoga.
WEDNESDAY I began the Push phase with Push Circuit 2.
THURSDAY was Push Circuit 1.

Fish Oil Review & Giveaway

I was given a bottle of Pro Star Health Omega 3 Fish Oil for free in exchange for my review.  If you recall, the last fish oil we tried was 1400 mg but with this one we're back to only 1000 mg (and giving Benny 3 pills).  These are the standard size (that I've seen) of about an inch long softgels.  When I first opened the bottle I immediately smelled a fishy odor that I hadn't detected with any of the other fish oils.  Thankfully the smell was just captured in the bottle and not in the softgels themselves.  The odor is the only thing that comes to mind distinguishing this fish oil from any other.

Enter to win your own bottle to try.

Linking up with
Pretty Strong Medicine

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Wow you are brave. I am scared to get all the color all over me and my good running shoes. LOL!!! You look great btw - I am not yet brave enough to get in a bikini either. Ha! #wowlinkup

    1. That's why I used old shoes not my newer ones! They're relegated to yardwork lol. Thanks, I've wanted a bikini for a year and finally got it.

  2. That's exactly what my Color Me Rad running clothes look like. So much fun! I need a new bikini! Just not ready for the dreaded swim suit shopping yet :)

    Have an awesome weekend Cassi!

  3. That bikini is adorable! I've been wanting to get a sporty bikini for a while but the bottoms never seem to fit right.

  4. That bikini is adorable! I've been wanting to get a sporty bikini for a while but the bottoms never seem to fit right.
