
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Back in Range

I weighed in last night down 2.2 lbs so I'm FINALLY back in the goal window!  My Weight Watchers monthly pass expires on the 17th so I picked up my code for the free e-tools subscription from hitting Lifetime.  I just hope this sticks and it's not only from all the BMs and vomiting I've been doing because of my abdominal issues.

I started taking the Gallbladder Complete Thursday afternoon.  The instructions say you're supposed to take 1 oz 3 times a day for the first three days.  Since I wouldn't receive another bottle in time I took 1 oz twice a day.  Fingers crossed that this has worked as I haven't had an "attack" (for lack of a better term) since Saturday night.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

FRIDAY I did Lean Circuit 3 since I was awakened by an "attack" Thursday morning.

SATURDAY I did Burn Intervals & Extreme Abs.  We went to our neighbor's house for a cookout in the evening.  I'd attempted to make zucchini chips but that was a fail so I brought veggie kebabs.

SUNDAY I worked in the garden.  I hope the flooding rain we had yesterday (Benny said the garden looked like a rice paddy) and continued rain today doesn't kill off everything.  Rabbits or the groundhog ate the ripe tomatoes.

MONDAY I did Burn It Off but not Recharge because of the time.

TUESDAY I wrapped up the 3rd week with Lean Circuit 1.

This morning I began the final week of ChaLEAN Extreme with Lean Circuit 2.

My next program will be Neghar Foononi's Super Heroine Fitness.  They're having some technical issues so I haven't received it yet but am exited to try out this program.  Would anyone be interested in doing this with me?

Linking up with


  1. Great job on your loss

  2. Great job on reaching your goal!

  3. Woohoo for the 2.2 lb loss! I hope you're feeling better!

  4. Congratulations on your weight loss! WW's is great! I hope you feel better!

  5. You are doing great! Keep up the awesome work!!

  6. Keep up the great work! How do you like CLX?

  7. Bravo on your successes and wishing you a speedy recovery on the stomach issues. All the best!
