
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Weigh in Wednesday 7.1.15

I weighed in last night down .4 lbs.

Monday the kidney stone was on the move.  I woke up sometime after 4A with back pain and stiffness (felt like it was around my spine) so I was thinking that I needed to find a new yoga stretch to take care of it LOL.  The pressure steadily increased and I couldn't get comfortable.  The 2 BM, heating pad, and hot tea didn't help any.  I think the heating pad actually made the feeling worse.  There were also two rounds of vomiting in the mix.  I took some Tylenol but had to do it twice since the first round was short before the first puke so I didn't know if anything went down.  It took about 4 hours before I could get comfortable enough to sleep again.

Friday the referral coordinator called while I was at work and then she called again while I slept Monday.  It was for the Urologist so that was perfect timing....except the Doctor she put me with didn't have an opening until the end of July!  His assistant checked with the rest of the team and found one with an opening on the 10th so I took it.

I haven't heard anything about the gallbladder surgery consultation.  Benny has been scouring the internet for alternatives and found this all natural and organic Gallbladder Complete for me to try. I ordered it Monday and it should arrive today.

Wednesday I applied for a part time Wellness Coach position at the YMCA (I'd work some evenings).  This would start me on the transition from this job that I hate to my dream career!  Wish me luck, pray for me...whatever your belief system may be...that I get this job.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

THURSDAY I did Lean Circuit 3.

SATURDAY was Burn Intervals & Extreme Abs.

SUNDAY was Burn It Off & Recharge.  I brought in my first harvest from the garden - the basil.  While I was working I had a squirrel arguing with me for being there.  I chittered right back at it and inched closer but it finally ran off.

TUESDAY wrapped up the second week of the lean phase with Lean Circuit 1. I still felt a little weaker than normal during the workout but pushed through.

This morning my triceps were again sore from yesterday's workout but I pushed through Lean Circuit 2.  No rain in the forecast today so I'll be able to get in my walk this afternoon.

Linking up with


  1. ooh kidney stones! That cannot be fun at all. Hope you have a great Wednesday!

  2. Sorry you had such a rough go and that you feel better... Hope you get the job!

  3. Found your blog through the link up and followed you on Bloglovin'. :) Kidney stones are sooo painful, so I've heard. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way that you get over this quickly. Also sending prayers up that you get the health coach job. :)

  4. Kidney stones definitely aren't any fun. Hope you feel 100% better soon!

  5. Hang in there! It sounds like you are still managing to stay fit while dealing with the the kidney stones. I hope this next week is a better one for you!

  6. Sounds like a kidney stone is not going to stop you from your goals. Keep on!

  7. Ouch on the kidney stone! I hope you start to feel better soon!

  8. Whoa! So sorry about your kidney stone! Sending prayers your way. Kuddos to you for keeping up your workout routine with that going on!

  9. Eeps! I hope I never have to deal with kidney stones!! They sound miserable! :(

  10. Yikes. Kidney stones are no fun. Rest up friend.

  11. Sorry to hear about your kidney stone. I hope you feel better soon. Good luck with the YMCA job. Sounds like a great fit for you!

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your kidney stone. I hope you feel better soon. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!

  13. Hope you're feeling better now Cassi! Also, fingers crossed that you land the job :D
