
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy Halloween

I'd asked Austin a few months ago whether he still wanted to Trick-or-Treat or give out candy (with him being 14 in a month).  At that point he wasn't sure what he wanted to do.  Then suddenly he started talking about a couple of costume ideas from anime and online cartoony things.  He finally settled on Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta.(don't ask because I don't know and don't get it LOL).

A photo posted by Cassandra Schmigotzki (@longandwindingroadtowellness) on

I finally got everything for my Wonder Woman costume (except a lasso).  Not sure if I'm going to play with makeup or anything special with my hair (like hairspray).  It's been so cold the past several years I hope I can stay warm this time!

Halloween 2012-2015
Do you still dress up to give out candy, take your kids trick-or-treating, or a party?

I'm in this week's Weight Watchers Weekly!
I knew this was coming but not when.  Ever since they asked for my picture I'd immediately look for my comment in the Weekly.

Next week I'll be one of the featured bloggers on Kristy of the Runaway Bridal Planner's Grow Your Blog Hop.  That means possibly 38 new faces will be checking out this blog (and I need to have my post up by Midnight LOL).  It's also my monthly weigh in so that'll be in the post.  Is there anything that you'd like to know about me or you'd like to see/read?  I'll put everything I can in the post.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

THURSDAY I did Episode 3 Adventure 2.  For whatever reason my mid/lower back kept spazzing during the front squats.

SATURDAY I did Adventure 3 using the 10 lb dumbbells for Circuit A and 15 lb dumbbells for Circuit B.

MONDAY nights Benny and I have been having Torc sessions on our abs.  You're supposed to do these in conjunction with proper diet and exercise (neither of which Benny does).  I attempted to get a shot of the procedure but it's difficult to hold my phone still while being squeezed.

TUESDAY I did Adventure 4 Circuit A with the 15 lb dumbbells.  On the 3rd set of right leg deadlifts I apparently forgot to press start on the timer so it skewed my stats. LOL

Today it's too rainy to walk for the last farmer's market of the season.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday Linkup with Fitness Cheerleader & Running Rachel


  1. Looks like you had a fantastic week! I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't get excited about Halloween! I'm just not a big fan of dressing up or of candy! Ha!! I do love all of your costumes!! And I'm excited to follow you through the blog hop!

  2. I love that you get dressed up for Halloween! I was planning on dressing up for the race I am running on Saturday but now that I am working towards getting a PR, I decided to only wear a running skirt with candy corns on it. Congrats on being in Weight Watchers Weekly!

  3. I LOVE Dressing up for Halloween! I do it every year no matter what - even at work! HA!
    I did not link up as my post today is a little sad and not related to fitness :-)
    I am following you and you can follow me back if you want at Annster's Domain
    Have a great Halloween!

    1. I have had to leave work early to get ready before. There's a picture floating around somewhere from a Halloween at my old job with me dressed up as a sexy devil.

  4. omg. What is Creepypasta? I need Google that. lol!
    And I just gotta say, you are looking soooo fabulous!!

    1. I have no idea what it really is! Austin is always mentioning it and I get so lost.

  5. I haven't participated in Halloween in quite a few years...I was never good at coming up with costume ideas. Love your Wonder Woman!

    1. Mine have been a work in progress over several months since 2012. I probably should get involved in cosplay! Lol

  6. My boys dressed up as a pirate today and the other a batman!!! :)

    1. I think Austin's been both of those at some point. :)

  7. Aww I dont normally dress up but after this post, I think I may next year! It sounds like you and your family had a great time!

  8. Woo hoo, you've got a lot of great things going for you right now! Congrats on being featured in so many places! I've been really bad recently about dressing up for Halloween. I don't have kids so it's easy to be lazy if I don't have a party to go to. And less expensive, too. ;)

    1. I saw several parents dressed up giving out the candy. Once Austin is done with trick-or-treating I still plan to dress up.

  9. Hi, I'm stopping in from the hop. My kids have gotten too old for trick or treating. I really miss it though. I always had so much fun walking around the neighborhood or just passing out candy and seeing all the cute costumes. I once worked for a company who had a contest and each department dressed up in a theme. That was always fun too. I don't work there any longer so there is no dressing up for me. Great to meet you!

  10. Stopping in from the hop! I went as Wonder Woman too, she's my favorite!!!! We went to two parties and then came home to sleep in...sort of :)

  11. I was out of town on Halloween, but hopefully next year I can dress up and go to a party.

  12. We dressed up as Dunkin Donuts and no one understood what we were, but it was still fun! I look forward to next Halloween too!
