
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Final Week of Super Heroine Fitness

Welcome to The Long and Winding Road to Wellness all ye visitors from the Grow Your Blog Hop!

Not long after I published last week's post I received notification that I'm a Sweat Pink Ambassador!  I'm excited to see where this takes me.  I already ordered and received 40 #sweatpinklaces to give out for various special achievements over the holidays. 

This also adds to the Fitfluential Ambassadorship.

5 Random Things About Me

Since there are new folks visiting as a part of the Hop I thought I'd try another 5 random things about me.  It's been a while since I've done one of these so bear with me.
  1. It's only since starting on this journey that I discovered it's my dream job to be a Wellness Coach and run a Wellness Center.  Finding the money to pay for the certification through NETA and getting my foot in the door somewhere without any formal experience and education is proving to be a mighty challenge.
  2. Growing up I used to be scared of the grates in the sidewalk downtown.  I would do everything I could to avoid walking across them.  For some reason I had this fear that I'd fall through.  Some days it still bothers me but for the most part on my walks I go over them with no problems now.
  3. I used to regularly dye my hair an auburn color but wouldn't go full red.  Can you imagine me as a redhead?
  4. I took ballet & tap in preschool.  My uncoordinated self would be the one you'd often see going the opposite direction from everyone else.  Grandma (mom's mom) still has a picture somewhere from a show where this actually happened.
  5. I've never been drunk.  Buzzed but never fully loaded.  Every time I tell people this there's always someone that says that they're going to get me drunk but never invite me anywhere to even try.
What are 5 things you'd like me to know about you?

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Weigh-in Wednesday!

THURSDAY I got in more reps during Super Heroine Fitness Episode 3 Adventure 4 Circuit B than the last time despite being sweaty and lightheaded with my nose dripping.

SATURDAY I began the final week with Adventure 1.  The first song that popped up on my Pandora was a perfect title for Halloween - Ghosts 'n' Stuff by Deadmou5.  After eating lunch Austin and I headed to the library.  Austin wore his costume (less the knife).  Because it was Irvington's Halloween Festival we had to park about 3/4 mile away and walk in.  After picking up our items we checked out the non-food booths but didn't see anything we wanted to buy.  It was windy and sprinkled on us a couple of times while trick-or-treating that night.  (I had to wear my jacket draped over my shoulders but Austin was hot.)

SUNDAY night I went to bed with the chest and back pain similar to what I've been experiencing during the early phase of a gallbladder attack.  I took 4 acetaminophen and went to bed.  The pain didn't increase but held steady throughout the night.  I think I just dozed and never really slept.  I was so sleepy I couldn't bring myself to even do some yoga Monday like I'd planned.

TUESDAY I did Adventure 2 sans sprints.  This was for two reasons - I didn't feel like doing sprints of any kind and I took Benny to his first election.  Sure, it was only the municipal but he needs to know how it works without the crowds.

How was your week?

Next Tuesday will be the last Super Heroine Fitness workout.  I don't yet know what I'll be doing next.  I'm considering designing my own program as I had to make many substitutions due to the lack of equipment or ability/comfort in doing some exercises.  If you have a program that you recommend or something like a template to help me come up with something please be sure to leave a link in the comments.

I was excited to find out that our team is FINALLY offering a weight maintenance contest!  If you're not already involved with Beachbody check out this little press release I wrote up about the contest.  I'd love it if you'd join so we can maintain together.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday Linkup with Fitness Cheerleader & Running Rachel


  1. I've been following you for a while now, but it's nice to learn more about you! I wish I could say I've never been drunk! Hope you're feeling better this week after your back pain.

    1. Yes, thanks. It slowly became a dull ache and disappeared throughout Monday.

  2. we have #5 in common!! Ive never been drunk either!

  3. I moved from Chicago last year and let me tell you, city grates are terrifying!! I would try my best to avoid them while walking to work (grates + high heels don't mix...) but every once in a while I would have to hold my breath and hope I wouldn't fall in ;) Nice to meet you through the blog hop!

    1. Yes, when you're wearing heels you definitely want to avoid them or you may break an ankle!

  4. ha ha!! I can totally relate to your comment about being uncoordinated, with a tendency to go the opposite direction of everyone else. A few months ago, before a 5K there was a gal leading a Zumba warm-up...and yep! Somehow I found myself in the front row, and every time the gal moved left, I moved right. Thankfully, I also have the skill to laugh at myself ;-) Great to meet you through the Hop!

    1. Besides not belonging to a gym or anything my uncoordination is one of the reasons why I don't want to try Zumba! I've tried dancing video workouts and I get so lost.

  5. Nice to see you in the blog hop too! Hope you are feeling better today. Welcome to sweat pink it's a great communtiy!

    1. I'm feeling exhausted lately but I think it's tied into TOM. Thanks for the warm welcome!

  6. Nice to meet you through the hop! It's awesome that you want to help others with their wellness. I too am a sweat pink ambassador and am having fun with it. I haven't done any paid campaigns but there are some fun community challenges that are an encouragement.

    1. I've applied for two campaigns and one says I'm in but I haven't seen anything for it.

  7. Yes!!! #2 and #4 are totally me!! Welcome to the #SweatPink sisterhood - so thrilled to get to know you better through the hop and now through Sweat Pink, too!!

  8. It's great to meet you through the Blog Hop! I think it's wonderful you are pursuing your dream of becoming a wellness coach and owner of a wellness center. Sounds like a very worthy goal and one that you're passionate about :)

    1. If only I could make the $ situation clear up so I could move forward with everything!

  9. First off, it's so nice to get to know you a little bit more through the blog hop! And also, welcome to the #SweatPink sisterhood! It's SUCH an amazing community - I've learned so much already and everyone is always so supportive of each other. I love it. (Handing out those pink laces is a thrill, too! Have fun with that!)

    Love your list of random facts. No shame in having never been drunk. It's not that great! You're better for it I think, and healthier, too! :)

    1. I probably would get drunk easily too. I prefer mixed drinks and hard liquor. Can't stand beer and can barely tolerate the taste of wine or champagne.

  10. Great to meet you a fellow sweat pink sister through the blog hop! I look forward to following your journey!

    1. Thanks! BTW I tried to visit your page but it's not loading.

  11. oh man! I was totally afraid of the grates in the city streets also! It seems so irrational now that I just walk over but in the back of my mind I still think, "this will be the time. I've let my guard down and I'm totally falling through!" It was great meeting you through the hop!!

    1. Downtown they're all over the sidewalks so you have to totally adjust where you're walking.

  12. It's nice to meet you through the Blog Hop! Fellow SPA and FFA here. Best wishes on pursuing your dream as a wellness coach and about being drunk - you're probably not missing much there so good for you!

    1. HA! So many have said that I need to be drunk once.

  13. Congrats on becoming a new SPA, I have been involved with it for a few years, and it's an excellent group of women!
    I cannot picture you at all as a redhead. You know I only dyed my hair for the first time a few months ago, and couldn't even bring myself to do anything permenant, so I used one of those wash out in 28 washes ones, LOL
    I am not afraid of grates when it's dry out, but I ran a marathon and it was so rainy and at times we were running through a foot of water because the trains were so full, I was so afraid one of them would float up and I would be the one to fall in. I've actually heard of that happening so I decided it was a legit fear, LOL LOL

  14. Hello from the blog hop! Nice to see you again!
    And congrats and welcome to sweat pink! It is a super fun group that is always challenging me and also giving sweet opportunities for reviews :)
    I have also never been drunk, so you are not alone :)
    I am with you on the red. I have added hints of read to my hair but don't think I could go fully red! But I say go for it if that makes you happy! It is only hair!
    Best wishes with the health/wellness career! I am in the same place where I am not sure how I want to pursue it!
    See you around :)

  15. Nice to meet you :)! Welcome fellow sweat pinker :)
    I color my hair as the seasons change...Fall/Winter(auburn bronze)....Spring (Cinnamon Bronze)..Summer (Dark Honey Bronze)
    I totally still don't walk over grates..totally think I am going to fall in!!
    I wish I could say I have never been drunk.....but I often recover well from it-lol!!

    I wish you continued success in your endeavors!


  16. It's great getting to know you through the hop! I took tap and ballet as a young child. I had actually forgotten. I guess I wanted to block it out. LOL. I thought I was the most uncoordinated one of the bunch too! I don't like being drunk, just a little buzzed or relaxed. So I don't think you are missing out on anything! I have to admit I haven't heard of Super Heroine Fitness. Do you like the program? It's wonderful you found your passion to be a Wellness Coach. Good luck on your journey!

  17. I still will not walk over the grates in the sidewalk! I hate them, I am worried they will just fall through. I too, am a Sweat Pink and FitFluential Ambassador! It is great that you are turning your passion in becoming a Wellness Coach!

  18. I had to chuckle at your post because I was also afraid of the grates in the sidewalk and side of the street!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for that cruel cruel joke. I was a dancer when I was little too and every once and a while contemplate taking adult classes! So great to meet you.

  19. Grates in the sidewalk are creepy!!!! My daughter is taking tap and ballet right now, she is sooooo much more coordinated than I ever was...I still go the wrong way during workouts :)

  20. Hi There from the blog hop! I loved your honesty in the 5 things about you! I'm a little leery about about sidewalk grates all the time. I'm always relieved when I pass over one successfully! Look at how many people owned up to the same fear! And there is nothing wrong with never being drunk. If you've never been, I think it's great to keep it that way. You definitely aren't missing out!! As an adult, I just started taking a beginners tap class for adults. That whole uncoordinated thing sure comes into play here! I hope your chest and back are feeling better!!

  21. Very cool page! Did you find your wellness coach/center dream from coaching with Beachbody? I see some mention of it on your blog. Also I have some strange fears from when I was little like your sidewalk grate one that still freak me out from time to time despite being older and wiser!

  22. Welcome SPA sister! I'm afraid of sidewalk grates and manhole covers too. Even though I know you can't go through them, I always fear my son will and steer him far away!

  23. I don't know if I was truly *afraid* but I still (at 31) avoid walking on sidewalk grates! I also took ballet, tap, jazz, etc. in pre-school, only to assert my strong will and have my mother take me out of class because I hated it. Now I wish she'd made me stick with it because I love watching dance.
    It's nice to meet you through the hop. Take care!

  24. Hi there! Congrats on your sweat pink ambassadorship! That's awesome. I don't know that I have any strange fears - I definitely hate spiders and insects. And snakes. But I get spooked pretty easily. So nice to meet you through the hop!

  25. Great post! Lovely to meet you in the blog hop! - And you'd look great as a redhead! :)

  26. Nice to meet you in the blog hop! Are you a Beachbody coach, too? I Am starting Brazil butt Lift on Monday! I did it a long time ago and never submitted my results, so I want to do it again and earn the booty shorts!

    It's funny about the grate - I was always afraid of the end of the escalator. I thought that I would somehow get sucked down inside of it, so I always would jump off the last step - up or down! I still do sometimes!

    And as far as getting you drunk - I get EVERYONE drunk - haha. Especially people's moms. It's the Wisconsin girl in me!

  27. It's nice to meet you through the blog hop! I have also never been drunk, so we have that in common. :) I died my hair auburn for several years as well. As much as I loved the auburn, right now I'm just rocking my natural hair color. I figure that my time is limited before I start having grey hairs pop up, so I am going to keep it natural as long as I can, lol!

    Your dance stories sounds like me in gymnastics as a child. I am so uncoordinated, it was pretty hysterical!

  28. Welcome to the SPA community! It's the greatest group of ladies you'll ever "meet".

  29. I'm so sorry I'm coming late to the hop party. I realized I missed a whole day as I was going back through! So nice to meet you! I'm pretty uncoordinated when it comes to dance moves, too :) 5 random facts about me: I don't like beer, I love science, I used to live in OR, I tend to yell at the TV during football games, I haven't had a diet coke in 4 years!
