
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happiness in a Jar

How has 2016 been for you so far?  Been a little weird with the trip to Ohio falling on the 1st itself and just lasting the weekend.

I did pick out my happiness jar just before we left but have yet to decorate it.  I'd say it's 18-24" tall and about 4" in diameter.  I never counted the sides so I don't know if it's considered an octagon or something else.  I got a few books on happiness at the library too (after discovering the happiness section under self-help on Amazon).

Last night's weigh in I wasn't surprised that I was up 6.8 lbs with all the goings on this year with the holidays and work things that I can't discuss publically.  Basically December was a stressful month and deciding to take the last week of the year as a staycation was so worth it!

December 24th I did P90X3 MMX before we headed out to fight last minute shopping.  Surprisingly it wasn't so bad this year.

December 25th I was busy making the roulade and wrapping presents so I didn't get in a workout.

December 26th I did Incenerator.

December 27th was going to be a makeup day but Austin didn't want me to workout so I had to do a doubler on Monday.

December 28th I doubled up with CVX then Triometrics.  If it weren't for my lightheadedness it wouldn't have been so tough.  In the afternoon I went to America's Best for my eye exam and glasses.  I'm waiting anxiously for them to call to say they're ready for me to pick them up!

December 29th I did The Warrior.

December 30th I was just so exhausted and didn't get out of bed until after 11A so I made it another rest day.

December 31st I did Incenerator so I wouldn't have to bring my weights with me to Ohio.  I went to Great Clips and had about 4" cut off my hair.

January 1st we were busy making final preparations before heading out (later than I wanted to because of Benny refusing to leave early).  He drove 100mph on I-70 almost the whole time!

January 2nd I did CVX at my grandparents' house using a basketball.

January 3rd Benny said to not workout before heading back home.  I moved all three missed days so far to a makeup week on my schedule.

Monday I did Triometrics.

Yesterday I did The Warrior.

Today I did X3 Yoga.

Have you made any progress on your goals this week?

Joining the Fitness Health & Happiness Linkup.


  1. Love love X3 yoga! Boom!

    Thanks for sharing with Fitness Health and Happiness! Have a great weekend!

  2. Nice happiness jar, I can't wait to see what you do with it! 2016 has been fairly calm and quiet for me, which I am very much enjoying before the craziness that starts again tomorrow with another semester of school. It sounds like you're making great progress toward your goals, and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings for you!
