
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Weigh in Wednesday

When I got home Wednesday I heard the voicemail that my glasses were ready.  I flew down to Greenwood to pick them up and posted this picture on Facebook that night.  Nobody said they preferred B!  I thought it was funny since A was the first pair I selected, while waiting for my exam.

Thursday I received a smoothie box from Green Blender to review, being a fellow Fitfluential Ambassador.  I made two of them over the weekend.  I'm loving the exploration of fruits, veggies, and superfoods I've never had before!  I made Austin look up things (like how to cut the persimmon LOL) to have him involved.

*About Green Blender & How It Started*

I started Green Blender because I wanted to help people create healthy habits in their life. I often find that when we decide to make a health change two things happen: 1. We get immediately overwhelmed with choices (i.e., should I go paleo, do I cut out all grain/dairy, what about quinoa,
etc.) and 2. We start moving towards extremes (i.e., I have to go raw vegan tomorrow, I can't have ice cream ever)

This diet path can get overwhelming, lead to deprivation and may not see long lasting results. As you know (your blog attests to this), living a healthy lifestyle starts with building healthy habits and not extreme dieting. Green Blender is all about setting our members up for long term success by helping them start their day with a healthy decision.

Green Blender is a smoothie delivery service. Every week, our members receive all the pre-portioned ingredients and superfoods to make smoothies at home.

Jenna Tanenbaum, Founder

I can't wait to try the three other recipes I received!  Should you want to sign up to receive your own smoothie subscription box visit Green Blender and enter the code cassandra to receive a 20% discount.

Monday night I finally showed Benny my goals post.  He basically said it's stupid to pursue the certification because it's like the Beachbody business never took off.  Has anyone had to deal with their spouse being against their passions?  How do I go about registering for everything and showing him that this won't also be a flop without pissing him off?

While we were talking Benny said that he is ready to quit smoking!  He said that he can feel it affecting his heart.  What he used to do while smoking he hasn't done since coming to the US (smoking inside the house while doing certain activities) so he has no real enjoyment from smoking anymore.  I recommended that he take Chantix since that's the program I know people who've used.  I messaged his doctor so he can be ready to discuss Benny's options for smoking cessation.  Did you know that it's considered preventative care so most smoking cessation programs are free with your insurance?  We'll try any program they allow to get Benny to quit smoking!

THURSDAY I burned my way through P90X3 MMX.

FRIDAY I played with my weights for Incinerator.

SATURDAY I wrapped up week 7 with CVX, using a 3 lb dumbbell.

MONDAY I did Isometrix.

Yesterday I continued stretching with Dynamix.

Today I did some cardio with Accelerator.

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Health & Happiness


  1. I love P90X3 and it sounds like you're really enjoying it too!!!

  2. it is hard to have someone rain on your parade when you are so excited! Maybe show him the things you can do and leads you have for once you would have the certification to show your investment and dedication!! Great job on all the awesome workouts :)

  3. I will be speaking at FitBloggin'! Hope you come to my session! :D

  4. I can't wait for Fitbloggin! We'll have to chat all things P90X :)

  5. Way to go with your P90x training! I've had friends and family members who have had amazing results with it! #WBWAlinkup
