
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Where Do You Need to Love Yourself More?

Valentine's Day has always seemed to be about loving someone other than yourself.  Why not change the focus of this day to setting a plan and promise to Choose Self Love to care for yourself all year long?

Just as with everything in life we are stronger in one area of Self Love than the others.  So where do you need to love yourself more? Take the free Self Love Pulse Check and find out! Discover where you're weak & strong in Self Love.

This free Self Love Quiz helps you to:

  • Discover where you are strong at loving yourself and where you are weak in self-love, based on the “5 Gates of Self-Love.” 
  • Uncover how you can practically and tangibly love yourself better by focusing on the areas of self-love that most need your attention.
  • Break self-love down to manageable and specific parts so you can see more clearly where you would be best served to focus on making shifts.
  • Receive a full Self Love Pulse Check Report that reveals your scoring for ALL 5 Gates of Self-Love, the five foundations for deep, unwavering and strong self-love so you can feel great about the ways you do love yourself, and support yourself to grow in the ways you could be better to yourself. 

The quiz takes under 7 minutes to complete. Take an act of self-love and give yourself the space to take it.

I took the quiz the other day and here are my results:  

Living My Heart & Soul Desires - 23/35
Taking Care of Myself  - 25/35
Having Loving & Respectful Relationships - 27/35
Being Compassionate with Myself - 28/35
Loving My Body - 32/35

The first step for me to work on living my heart and soul desires is this promise to myself:

I promise to never settle for less than my heart and soul desires.

I must be vigilant and watch myself to make sure I stay on the path.  When I recognize that I'm slipping I must remind myself of this promise, repeating it like a mantra.  Yes, it will be hard, but I'll take it with small steps, just like I did when losing weight.

Won't you join me on this journey to love yourself more?

Linking up with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, and Run Mommy Run for #MOTIVATEME.


  1. It's so important that we learn to love ourselves and not be so negative. It's far too easy to pick yourself apart, see the issues and not love who we were created to be. Everyone is unique.
    I'll check out the Self Love Quiz and see how it comes out!

  2. Self care, self love is so missing in the our fitness world. Thanks for sharing the quiz!

    1. Yes, that's why I include it in the mind/mental aspect of healthy living.

  3. I absolutely love this post!! I struggle with loving myself. I am so hard on myself, so I'm going to take this quiz right now and see how it turns out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Loving my body is what I thought would be the lowest score because things have bothered me so much at times from losing weight. Living my heart and soul desires ties in directly with the biz!

  4. I have no problem loving myself and thinking of myself. I always figured it made me a better person for me to be around, if my needs were taken care of !

  5. Such a great message! The more I love myself and take care of myself, the better I'm able to be a good person and friend.

  6. This is definitely something I often let fall to the wayside! Thank you for the reminder--I'll have to go check out that post! :]

    1. It's not something I would've thought of before starting this journey either.

  7. i will admit, no one is harder on me than me! #notproud

  8. LOVE this! I am def my own worst critic!
