
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Love Letter to Myself

THURSDAY I did P90X3 Pilates X.  I read Chapter 12 - Initial Intake & Pre-Participation Screening.  Austin texted me asking if he could spend Saturday at his friend's house and his friend was spending the night Friday (assumed at his dad's).  I said OK.

FRIDAY I did Decelerator.  During lunch I had an awesome call with Nicole Liolia to help me get things going with making money in this coaching business.

To start off I'm looking for 5 people to speak with for 30 minutes about their wellness goals and to help them with a tip or strategy to help them make progress over the next week.  If you're interested in this FREE strategy session please email me to set up a time.

Austin texted me saying I had to drop him off at his friend's house 10 minutes after he got to my house.  I was so confused and it was sounding like he was trying to get around his dad knowing he was going over there.  We finally got it all figured out and his friend's dad picked him up at the ex's house.

SATURDAY I did CVX in a silent house.  Austin texted me asking if he could stay at his friend's house again because they were having so much fun playing RockBand.  My ex said he didn't need to spend the whole weekend at a friend's house.  Benny said it was OK because it was too cold to do anything anyway.

I went to the library and hung out for longer than I normally do with Austin.  I got on one of the computers and attempted to do some work but didn't get very far.  Before I left I made a couple of origami heart bookmarks, one for me and one for Austin.  From there I went to a couple of stores and shopped.  It was nice being out of the house alone going wherever I wanted for about 4 hours!

SUNDAY Austin texted to pick him up at his friend's house around 3pm.  The snow wasn't bad at that time so I was like no big deal.  However, by the time it was almost 3pm the snow was much heavier and hard to see outside our windows.  I was ready to go when Benny said that I couldn't because my tires were too low.  So I had to wait around for him to air them up.  Then I wiggled my way on the slick, snow covered roads (and over 2 bridges) with my heart pounding both ways.  With an elevated heart rate that was like another workout, right? LOL

MONDAY I began the last week of P90X3 with Dynamix.  It was a good stretch because I was tired and my back was stiff (probably leftover from being terrified driving).  I did a lot more reading (chapter wise only LOL) at lunch:  Chapter 13 - Health Screening Assessments, Chapter 14 - Postural Analysis, and Chapter 16 - Physical Activity & Health.

YESTERDAY I did Isometrix.  I read Chapter 17 - Cardiorespiratory Fitness Programming.

TODAY I did Accelerator.  I'll start reading Chapter 18 - Programming for Muscular Fitness and will finish it up tomorrow.

This week's Weight Watcher's theme continues on the concept on choosing self love, giving yourself the attention, care, and acceptance you deserve.  I've filled in the blanks for myself as an example.  What I fill in may vary upon the day.  I did struggle with coming up with a self destructive action/thought that I have since it's not something I continually think of.

Will you join me and write one for yourself?

Linking up with


  1. Love this idea of a letter to yourself!
    Seriously, I think we all need to be kinder to ourselves and remind ourselves that we love what we are more often

    1. Just have to find one thing that you love about yourself to get started!

  2. What a great idea!

    We all need to do this.

    1. Yes, this is just one example but I'm sure there are many more out there!

  3. This is a wonderful idea I don't think we take the time we need for ourself ever. This is a great reminder too!

    1. Just 5-10 minutes is all you need some days for a great boost!

  4. This is a great idea! I love that love letter to yourself because a lot of times things take on more power when they're written down.

    1. Yes, and then put it somewhere you can look at it again when you need the boost.

  5. Good for you. You are getting it in in multiple areas. Are you studying for a personal trainer certification? I loved your letter to self. I did a similar post called Dear Body, A Love Letter. Wish you the best in your fitness pursuits! Visiting from Jebbica's #FFF Link Up. Also please consider my Friday Link up which goes live on Friday's at 9 am. Have a great day!

    1. I'm studying for the Group Exercise certification before going for the Wellness Coaching certification with NETA.

  6. What a nice idea to write a love letter to yourself. We could all use a little more self love. Have a great weekend

  7. I've written myself several letter over the past few years. It's interesting to go back and read them.

    Thanks for sharing with friends at Fitness Health & Happiness. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm sure I have too but no idea what I did with them. In my blog it's a permanent fixture now.

  8. I just saw this on another site. I love this idea! I definitely need to do one for's so hard to be positive when there's so much I want to change! Thanks for sharing this at #FoodandFitnessFriday.

  9. What a great idea to write a love letter to yourself! A perfect thing to pull out and read whenever you're feeling down and less motivated. I think sometimes we all need a little boost like that :)

  10. I love the idea of writing a letter to yourself, especially a love letter. You've got me thinking about what I'd say to myself in my letter.

  11. I love the idea of a love-letter to myself. I am definitely my harshest critic, an I need to give myself a break every now and then. I may try the letter this week - thank you for sharing!

  12. We are definitely our own worst enemies in so many ways! A kind letter to oneself can go a long way!! Great idea!

  13. I love the idea of a letter to yourself! I am so hard on myself and I really need to work on that. I really like this idea because once it's in writing, you can read it over and over! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. Driving in a snowstorm is definitely not fun! But maybe if you consider it a workout, things don't seem so bad. :)
