
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog Hop Spotlight Day

Welcome everyone visiting from Kristy's Grow Your Blog Hop!

I always seem to blank on what to say about me (my over-analytical mind in action) so here are 9 facts that you may or may not know:
  • I'm a mom of a teenage boy who will be starting high school in the fall. EEK!
  • My ex-husband and I had an amicable divorce without using lawyers.
  • My current husband is a native German who became a US Citizen in September 2013.
  • Next month marks the beginning of my 3rd year on the journey to improve my overall health and wellness.
  • I got started on this journey because of a diabetes prevention study in conjunction with Weight Watchers and have stuck with everything.
  • My journey led me to discover my passion and purpose for living - to be a Wellness Coach and help those 40+ who are new to their own journeys or are returning after a long hiatus.
  • My degree's in French (which I've forgotten since I never get to use it).
  • I've always held an office job, except for the year or so I also worked at Office Depot.
  • I'm currently studying for the Group Exercise Certification exam from NETA so that I can get their Wellness Coach certification by the end of June.
Each Wednesday I wrap up what I've done over the past week.  I've kept it as Weigh in Wednesday even though all the linkups this was for have gone away because Tuesday nights are my Weight Watchers meetings.  Since I reached Lifetime last year I typically only weigh in once a month.

THURSDAY I did P90X3 Pilates X.  I read Chapter 19 - Flexibility Programming.

FRIDAY I did X3 Yoga.  I read Chapters 20-22 - Teaching Skills, Group Exercise Class Structure and Formats, and Injury Management & Emergency Response.

Benny told me thinks the certifications are a waste but it's OK to do them.  I must've been so giddy over the weekend as he'd asked what was with me LOL.  Now I no longer have to do this behind his back!

SATURDAY I did Dynamix, wrapping up P90X3.

MONDAY I did The Warrior for the first makeup workout.  I read Chapter 23 - Medical Conditions & Special Populations.  I'm stuck here on the exercise precautions and recommendations related to common medical conditions.  How do I distinguish which are precautions vs. recommendations?  I called NETA to get the approval for the test-only option for the GEX exam so now I just need to wait for whatever they send me to get that scheduled.  The Comira testing center is at Ivy Tech and they just need a 24-hour notice to sign up.

YESTERDAY I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Split Sessions Upper Body workout.  I had Austin's IEP conference in the morning.  My ex wants to drop him from the program as he feels like Austin doesn't need it anymore.  I went to the meeting (without my ex) with the intention of having a re-evaluation.  Austin's only real remaining problem associated with his ADHD and IEP coverage is missing work (not just homework but in-class too which I wasn't aware of).

He's smart and does well on the tests (over course work and standardized testing) so we know Austin understands what he's learning but just doesn't turn in the work for some reason.  Has anyone found a solution for their child that gets him/her to turn in assignments?  We are going to try something different with the reduced support on his IEP - only checking in at the grade times (instead of weekly/biweekly).  The special ed teacher will take an average of what he scores on assignments and do a side by side comparison to show Austin the possibilities if he completes all his work.

The principal explained to me that if it's deemed that he doesn't qualify or if we drop him from the program Austin's no longer protected by law for any incidents.  This protection is found in the Indiana State Board of Education Special Education Rules, Title 511, Article 7, Rule 44 - Discipline Procedures.  (I just received a copy of this document this morning so I haven't had a chance to read through it yet.)  I told my ex about this and that we should keep Austin's IEP, just at the bare minimum.

TODAY I did MMX for the second makeup workout.  I'll be reading Chapter 24 - Risk Management for Fitness Professionals - and perhaps the final chapter (25) - Documentation & Record Keeping.

So I will essentially have all of March to review everything and do the practical skills. Is anyone else taking a GEX certification exam in March?  Even though we may be going through a different certifying organization the material has to be about the same.  We could be study buddies!

Linking up with


  1. I've loved getting to know you better through these blog hops! I can't believe you have a teenager!! Wow! Sounds like you had a great week of workouts, and I'm excited for you to get your certification!!

  2. I don't think I could study or learn a new profession in my forties ! Good for you for doing that ! Hope you are enjoying the blog hop, its been fun to get to know new people.

    1. I'm not 40 yet but will be in a few years so it just seems right to have 40+ folks as my clients. Also, growing up I hung out with my dad and his friends more than my peers.

  3. That is awesome you are going after your certification, good luck with it!!!!
    Love how you mix up your workouts so much, that probably totally helps to keep things from getting boring!!!
    You have a degree in French? Very cool, so have you been able to visit France or go somewhere and mingle with the french and not even be guessed as a tourist because you speak it so well?

    1. No, I didn't get to go anywhere to practice my French as my ex and I didn't have the money to go anywhere. Then Austin came along senior year of college.

  4. Bonjour! While I don't have a degree in French, I did minor in it but I haven't used it since college either. Maybe some day! Anyway, it's been awesome reading about your transformation. Not only did you improve your health and fitness but your career and essentially your whole life! That's so great and I love reading about it. Thank you!

  5. Hi, Cassi. I'm stopping in from the hop. I have one grown son, and two teenage boys. You get used to it. LOL. I see you've got our Weekly Wrap badge up there so I hope that means you'll join us this Sunday! I think there is nothing wrong with getting certifications! I just got my RRCA Coaching one, even though I probably won't use it. Learning new things keeps us motivated, I think. Good luck as you continue your studies.

  6. Aw your son is growing up!!!! These next 4 years are going to be interesting, can't wait to read the stories! LOL!

  7. Hi Cassi! I studied French and Spanish in school but have forgotten a LOT from not using them. It's actually kind of funny because my boyfriend is native Puerto Rican but we never speak Spanish at home!

    Congrats on getting your certifications! That's awesome! I'd love to work in the fitness field one day. Still haven't decided exactly how yet lol. I have a condition where I get completely bored with everything like five minutes after I start it. Which is why I'm so surprised I stuck with running! Congrats also on sticking with your wellness program! It's hard to change your lifestyle and stick with it!

  8. Good luck on group exercise certification. I am debating if I should do that of my personal trainer certification first.

  9. Bravo for reaching lifetime and continuing your healthy habits, and best of luck with your certification! It was great getting to know you!

  10. I see we have a lot in common, Cassi! Also lifetime WW member here. I do WI every week, I've tried going the once a month route & it just doesn't work for me. But I love my meetings and met one of my best friends in mine!

    We even seem to have the same curly brown hair. :)

  11. How do you like P90X3? I LOVED the original P90X, but was less than thrilled with P90X-2. I don't do many of the workouts with the DVDs anymore, but do a lot of the strength exercises just on my own. I love Tony ;-)

  12. My little guy is all of 2 years old - I don't even want to think about him in high school yet! I also am not using my degree in the least...but I live in a college town, so I am hoping to go back and get my masters in the coming years! My mom was a yo-yo dieter when I was growing up, and Weight Watchers meetings were one of the many plans she tried - I believe it worked for a while, but she would stop going to meetings and fall back into her old ways. Oh well. I enjoy my Insanity workouts :)

  13. So nice to "meet" you! It's nice to learn more about different blogger in this way! Congrats on 3 years of wellness.

  14. So nice to "meet" you! It's nice to learn more about different blogger in this way! Congrats on 3 years of wellness.

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