
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Weighing in with Some Muffins

I remember posting this picture when the muffin pan arrived at the beginning of February with a note wondering what I'd make for Valentine's Day.  I have scoured my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook posts but just can't find that post anywhere!  Has it been lost in cyberspace or have I lost my mind?  I received the Premium 12-Cup Silicone Muffin & Cupcake Baking Pan for free in exchange for my honest review.  The set comes with the pan, liners, spatula, and brush.

Because Austin hung out at his friend's house Valentine's weekend I didn't bake anything.  The following weekend I made German Chocolate cupcakes (no icing because Benny didn't want it) using applesauce instead of vegetable oil.  The cake mix box didn't have any instructions as to how long to bake the cupcakes for using silicon, only glass or metal.  So I had to guess.  Two batches were made since the box says 24 cupcakes, with Dove dark chocolate hearts in the second batch.

Funny Looking German Chocolate Cupcakes
The cupcakes were super moist but I still don't know if I baked them enough.  They passed the toothpick test so I assumed they were done.  They remained super moist, enough so the bottoms molded through the bottom of the liner paper onto the cupcakes.  We had to throw the rest away last weekend.  That was different since Austin's birthday cake lasts for weeks.

What I liked about using a silicone pan is that the cupcakes didn't burn!  In the metal pans when I'd use a liner whatever I'd make would be over baked, slightly burning all along the paper.  So I had to switch to using the flour baking spray whenever I made anything.  I'd love to continue with silicone so I can use those cute liners again and to see if everything comes out moist once I figure out the bake time difference.

Should you want to experience the joys of baking with the Premium 12-Cup Silicone Muffin & Cupcake Baking Pan you can pick one up on Amazon.

THURSDAY I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Split Sessions Lower Body Workout.  I started reading through the GEX practical skills booklet.

FRIDAY I completed the final P90X3 makeup session with Dynamix.  I read more of the practical skills.

SATURDAY I did Split Sessions Full Body Timesaver.

MONDAY I started a Killer week to March in like a lion with Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs Level 1.  I answered the test questions from the practical skills booklet.

YESTERDAY I did Killer Body Upper Body, sticking with the 8 lb dumbbells.  Benny asked to see the GEX materials but I don't think he looked at anything after I went to bed as they were still sitting where I left them on the table when I left this morning.

I weighed in last night up 7.2 lbs, back up to 156.6 lbs.  I don't think this is all muscle so I'm going to have to go back to tracking my food again to see what's going on.  Besides all the gassiness (which only seems to happen at home so I don't know what's up with that either) my pants are tighter at my hips and thighs.

TODAY I did Killer Body Core.  The core-focused workouts I've done before were 15 minutes max.  This was different working my core for 30 minutes.  Right now I'm not feeling it but my arms are aching a bit from yesterday.  What's your longest core-focused workout?

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run


  1. I haven't attempted to make muffins in a long time, but I have had issues with burning the pan, so this looks like a great option! Great job on your workouts too!

  2. Whenever I make muffins I always use those paper liners so that I don't risk burning the bottoms of them. Maybe I should look into this silicone option instead.

  3. Now I'm craving muffins....

  4. I've got silicone muffin pans and I love them! I make my egg cups in them. No paper liner needed.

  5. I use silicon cups all the time. I can't say that I've noticed them taking longer than the metal ones to cook, but I also don't use liners in them. I just rub some oil on before I put in the batter.

  6. I love using silicone muffin tins or cups!! So much better than paper liners!

  7. I have never baked with silicon cups, but I heard great things about the. I have only used the silicon spatulas so far.

  8. I have not used the Silicone cups, but I have one that I picked up on Clearance, so will give it a try! Your muffins look delicious!! thank you so much for joining the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up. Have a Great Week :-)

  9. Welcome to the Weekly Wrap, Cassi. The only muffins I ever make are cornbread to go with chili or soup. I do need to try a silicon pan. That's a good variety of workouts you are going! Do you do something every day or take a rest day?

  10. I do not have a silicon pan! I've wondered how these would do, I'm glad you like them! The birthday cakes I make could last for weeks too, but hardly ever make it that long. Thanks Cassi for linking up with us!!
