
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cincinnati, Custody Issues, and Certification, OH MY!

THURSDAY I did Jillian Michaels' Killer Body Lower Body workout.  That afternoon I finally decided on fitness goals for the year.

FRIDAY I did Killer Buns & Thighs Level 1 again.  With 2 leg days in a row I thought it would be a problem but it wasn't!

SATURDAY we picked up a Volvo from Enterprise and drove to the West Chester, OH (AKA Cincinnati), IKEA store to check out some shelving for the front room (where I workout).  We went with the intention to get one line but Benny decided on another line.  It looks like this but one of the doors is wood not glass.  Ordering the setup online is actually cheaper for shipping than having the store ship.  So Benny has to finalize how many we need and get them ordered.  I wanted to stop by Jungle Jim's afterwards but we were exhausted so we headed home.

SUNDAY I did Amy Bento-Ross' Drop Set Strength workout, the chest, back, and shoulder portions.

When my ex picked up Austin, Benny was trying to find out why he wasn't signing the IEP.  My ex got pissed off and stormed out saying that he might not be letting Austin come back to my house again.  Does anyone have any experience with custody modification involving a teenager?  Please email me and let me know your story as we may have to go this route.

MONDAY I woke up sore in my shoulders and upper back so I did one of the Yoga with Adriane videos.  This one happened to go with the #ChooseSelfLove concept.

My ex texted me on his lunch break saying he was leaving it up to Austin whether or not he's coming over and that Benny has no right telling my ex what to do in regards to Austin, especially since he's not working.  My coworker said to not respond to that so my response is only where he won't see them (i.e. private online groups and this blog).  I have a feeling that Austin may say he doesn't want to come over because we don't have the gaming systems to play with.

I have scheduled my Group Exercise Certification Exam for March 29th at 1:30 pm!

YESTERDAY I did the biceps, triceps, and core portion of Amy's DVD.

TODAY I did the legs portion.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Good luck on the exam! No doubt you will do well.

  2. I grew up in the Cincinnati area & I LOVE Jungle Jims. Bummer you didn't get to stop by. I always love picking up something totally new to me that I wouldn't normally try.

    And good luck on your Group Exercise Cert. Exam!

  3. Good luck with your exam. I hope you work things out with your ex. Have a great week!

  4. You have set some great goals! Good Luck on your exam, that's very exciting :-) Hope everything works out with your son, that must be very stressful. Thank you so much for joining the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up!

  5. We do not have an IKEA store and I've always wanted to go. How exciting that you will be taking your certification exam this month. Good luck! With your determination, I know you will hit the goal you have set. I hope you can get your custody issues resolved soon. I know that must be very stressful. Thanks for linking with us Cassi.

  6. What is this Jungle Jims? I've never heard of it. I struggle too with leg day and am usually left with DOMS the next few days. It does help though. Great job on your workouts this week. Good luck with the certification Cassi!
