
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Brand New ME Upper Body Workout

THURSDAY I did Yoga with Adriene's Yoga Tone - Yoga for Weight Loss session.

FRIDAY was Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Lift in Full Throttle Olympic Lifting.  Austin was dropped off as normal; it was like the ex's blow up (in front of him) never happened.  Will see what the future holds.

SATURDAY I mixed it up trying to do my own thing.  I picked some exercises from this upper body workout I created for one of the ladies in my fitness community.  It took me about an hour to get through only 8 because I had to change the weight plates on my adjustable dumbbells.  Instead of the groups as listed I jumbled them up and picked the 8 and did them as a drop set.

I've been playing with the Personal Trainer Plan App to play with creating strength training workouts.  It's in Beta testing so there's a lot of kinks to be worked out.  I couldn't get the sets to work or the print out to come out right so I put it all in Canva to make the image.  How does my first workout look?  Please try it out and let me know what you think!

SUNDAY I started studying for the GEX exam.  OMG I don't remember how to study!  I have no clue how to review this material to be able to remember it all.  Any pointers?

The ex picked up Austin like the annoying boyfriend, sitting in the driveway honking.  That'll get old fast so I may have to say something about it.

MONDAY I did Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution Cardio 1 workout.

The two Momentum Jewelry wraps arrived for me to give away to two people who're needing that little boost of inspiration.  I haven't decided how I'll give them away yet but I'm ready to help #ShareTheSpark!  If you'd like to pick up your own wrap visit their website and enter the code FFspark15 to save 15% off your order through the end of May.

YESTERDAY I did Body Revolution Phase 1 Workout 1.

TODAY I woke up tired and Benny could see it so I went with Yoga Day Camp Day 3 - I Embrace.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Looks like a good workout.

    Thanks for the reminder on the wraps. I have two to give away as well and only one person that I know for sure...

    1. I wanted to give one away at the Weight Watchers meeting but the receptionist couldn't help me decide who should get one either. Lol

  2. I loved the wrap I got as a gift! :)

    1. Remembering to put mine on for my workout is my problem lol

  3. Love those wraps! You've definitely been keeping busy! Keep up the great work!

  4. Great workout, thanks for sharing. I want a momentum wrap.

    1. It's hard to choose which phrase to have for your wrap.

  5. How fun that youu have two Momentum wraps to giveaway! So many great workouts this week too! What is the GEX exam?

    1. The group exercise certification exam through NETA

  6. The Momentum wraps look so awesome!! I have one with a different slogan, but I will have to get one of these - love the blue!
    You rocked the workouts this week!!! Great job!

  7. You rocked the workouts this week! I dont think you will have any trouble giving away the Momentum wraps, they are pretty cool!

  8. Wow! You had a busy week, nice job!! Good Luck with studying & your exam. It has been a long time since I have been in school too, but if I think of any good tips, I'll pass them along :-) Thank you for sharing at the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up , Have a Great Week!!

  9. I have one momentum wrap and LOVE it ! You are going to make someone very happy !

  10. I was excited to have 4 of those wraps to give away! It was probably the best campaign I've ever participated in!

  11. You had a very strong week with a great variety of workouts. Those Momentum motivate wraps are very nice! I wouldn't know how to begin to study. It's been so long. I was a highlighter fanatic back in the day. Good luck. Thanks for linking with us Cassi.

  12. Great week with your workouts, looks like they are keeping you busy and your mind off of the crazy things the ex is doing or not doing. I'd love to win one of the bracelets I think they are so cool! Hope you find your grove with your test. Thanks Cassi for linking up with us!
