
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Cat Scratches and a Broken Shower

THURSDAY I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 Workout 2.  I'd gone to bed forgetting to set the alarm.  Benny woke me up at 6:30A and I still got it done!  On top of that I was scratched up by the cat.  She was asleep next to me on the couch Wednesday and I moved to get up.  She must've been sound asleep and my movement scared the crap out of her.  She clawed my finger, arm, and bottom lip.  Where the scratch was on my finger made it difficult to grip things.

FRIDAY I had one of my sinus pressure/headache combos so I didn't workout.  These times don't go well with Jillian.

SATURDAY I did Phase 1 Workout 3.  This day marks the beginning of the 3rd year of my journey.

MONDAY I was still sleepy so I did some Yoga with Adriene.

I tried to take a shower but the water pressure wasn't there.  Benny checked the sink in our bathroom and the shower and sink in the other bathroom, all were normal.  So we determined it's the diverter (the thing that mixes the hot & cold).  I called the home warranty company so we could get our plumber in to fix it.  The plumber said it'd be $300 to make the repairs ($50 deductible & $250 for the work).

YESTERDAY was a big leg day with Phase 1 Workout 4.  I remember when I first did surrenders; I was sore for days afterwards.  This morning my legs were still feeling the surrenders but they weren't sore!

Benny had to move everything away from the wall in the living room so the plumbers would have access to the shower.

TODAY I did Cardio 2.  I feel so much slower than what Jillian does (besides not doing much plyo) but it works for me.

The plumber arrived around noon and were finished in two hours.  They left to take care of another client and will return later today to patch the drywall.  Friday they'll be back to sand and paint.

Tuesday is the big day - the Group Exercise Certification Exam.  I'm getting nervous!

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Sorry about those cat scratches, those are the worst! Congrats on your 3 year anniversary! Great accomplishment!

  2. Ok, now I have that song going through my head! Actually, I've taken care of kids over the years who had Cat Scratch Fever! It's real thing..

  3. Sinus headaches are the worst! Good luck with you exam you got this!

  4. I grew up with cats, mind you they were all outside but still. Once I got to be an adult I lived in an apartment for a few years where I couldn't have pets. Once we built our house I had outside cats again except this time I was all of a sudden allergic to them. It's gotten much better but still today if they scratch me even a little bit, it will swell up like in whelps!!! Very odd!

    1. The allergy test I had several years ago said I'm allergic to them too but I never get much of a reaction for it to be noticeable. Scratches behave just like any others.

  5. I'm not much of a cat allergies are off the charts, and felines are at the top of my "highly allergic" allergens. I can walk into a cat dwelling, and within a few minutes, my eyes will start itching and watering. Good luck on exam ;-)

    1. Yikes! I've known a few with that almost instantaneous reaction.

  6. Feel better from your cat scratches and sinuses! Good luck on your test, you will do great!

  7. Cat scratches are killer! I hope all your plumbing issues are fixed and wish you the best of luck on Tuesday!

    1. They did a really good job matching the paint too! Only at some angles can you see where it was painted over.

  8. I love Jillian and Adrienne! Great for workouts during the week.

  9. Great getting your workouts in! And how awful not having a working shower, but glad they were able to fix it relatively quickly.

  10. Cat scratches are the worst! My husband swears they have venom in their little pointy claws. We still love them but sheesh!

    1. The "venom" is probably stuff leftover from them using the litterbox so your husband may be right!

  11. Congrats n seeng so McGee success with Weight watchers. Keep up the great work and thanks for linking up!

    1. Sorry, I'm replying to comments on my iPhone while traveling. Darn auto correct. I meant much not McGee

    2. LOL I was wondering what you were trying to say.
