
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I Passed!

I'd been so nervous about taking the Group Exercise Instructor exam that I could've psyched myself out.  This was my first exam since 2005 so I hadn't a clue how to study or anything.  I think that's funny because I never had a problem before!

I arrived at the IvyTech campus on the south side of the beautiful Fort Harrison yesterday afternoon.  I hadn't been up there in years so I'd forgotten how peaceful it was.  The room numbers were a little weird walking down the hall (with completely empty/stripped rooms on the way).  I found the testing room and got all checked in.  They have you do a practice test to accommodate yourself with the program.  Man, those questions were hard since they were on completely random topics and I knew nothing about several of them!

You're allotted 2 hours to take the exam from the time you click the button to start.  The timer ticked away in the top left of the screen; that was a bit distracting to me.  You could mark the questions you weren't sure about and go back at any time.  I completed all 120 questions in just under an hour.  When I got back out to the car I shared a picture of the exam passed letter across social media.

I was strongest in domains 3 & 4 which I think is very appropriate for Wellness Coaching since I'm not planning on actually teaching any fitness classes.  Coaches need to be strong in engagement and leadership of their clients and be savvy in all the administrative and legal stuff.  Next up is getting my CPR certification before they'll send me the actual GEX certificate.  The Red Cross offers the classes with exam several times a month so I can schedule that any time.

Have you ever surprised yourself on an exam?

THURSDAY I did Jillian Michael's Body Revolution Phase 2 Workout 5.

FRIDAY I did Yoga with Adriane Yoga Camp Day 4 - I Awaken.

SATURDAY I did Phase 2 Workout 6.

MONDAY I did Yoga Camp Day 5 - I Am Alive.  I was alive with anticipation for the GEX exam.

YESTERDAY I did Phase 2 Workout 7.

When I went to Weight Watchers last night I had to pay for the first time EVER.  I was the same weight as the beginning of the month but over the system goal weight of 150 lbs.  I see no way that I'm going to lose 4.6 lbs over the next week to prevent me from having to pay another $15 next week so I might not be returning for a while.  I was on a high from passing the exam that I didn't tell anyone this at the meeting.

TODAY I did Cardio 2.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Congratulations on passing! So happy for you. I am sure you will do well with your CPR too.

  2. So exciting that you passed the group ex cert! Do you have any idea of which type of classes you want to teach?

  3. Congrats on passing. Sounds like you are well on your way to Wellness Coaching.

  4. Congratulations on passing your exam! That's interesting that they make you take a Group Exercise Instructor exam in order to become a wellness coach. I've been learning so much about the world of fitness professionals, and I still feel like I don't know anything! Best of luck with your CPR training. It's a really great skill to have!

  5. Congrats on passing, that is awesome! CPR is a breeze, you will have no problems.

  6. Congratulations! That is awesome Cassi.

  7. Congrats, Cassi, that's awesome! You've must be walking on air with the exam behind you. I'm the same way - I get major test anxiety.

  8. Congrats on passing the exam! One step closer to being a wellness coach- yay!!!!!!

  9. Congratulations on getting that much closer to your goal of being a wellness coach! Good luck on your next steps and making it a reality!

  10. Congratulations! Celebrate getting closer to your dreams! Great work.

  11. Awesome Job, how exciting! Congratulations & thank you for sharing at the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up :-) Have a Great Week!!

  12. Congratulation on passing you test! I know you worried about it but you did great! So what is next with your certificate? You said you wasn't interested in teaching classes what are you going to do from here? Thanks for linking up!

  13. Congratulations Cassi! I know you are happy to have the exam behind you. I had to take the CPR course to get my coaching certification. I enjoyed the online portion and simulation exercises immensely, but the hands-on skills testing definitely puts everything you learn to the test. The Red Cross instructor was very helpful, though. Thanks for linking with us.
