
Monday, June 13, 2016

Costa Rica Wellness Retreat

The last time we were on vacation was in 2011 and I was probably 120 lbs heavier.  Last year, after hitting my goal weight, I rewarded myself buying a high-waisted bikini, but never had the opportunity to wear it outside the house.  I have only been outside the US a couple of times in my life (both briefly in Canada).  It's time to change all this!  This retreat is an opportunity for Austin, Benny, and I to go to Costa Rica this October (during Austin's fall break) but I need your help in making this awesome experience happen!

I'm looking for a group of at least 15 to join FIT Life Creation and my family on this all inclusive adventure filled with surfing, zip lining, healthy living workshops, and more, at the Riu Guanacaste  in beautiful Costa Rica October 13-17.  I'd love to meet you in person and work with you in a small group setting as one big fit party to help you on your healthy living journey.  What kind of magic will we make for your path?

For trip details or to book your adventure visit Fit Life Creation and enter LAWRTW at checkout for a little discount from me to you.  BONUS:  If your package is booked before August 10 there's a $500 savings (excluding airfare)!


Healthy Living Workshops

Below are some sample topics we could cover in the workshops.


  • The Misinformation of Fad Diets
  • Why Diets Don't Work/What to Do Instead of Dieting
  • Portion Control
  • Menu Planning
  • Mindful Eating
  • Conquering Cravings
  • Fueling Your Body


  • Getting (Re)Started
  • Maximizing Results
  • Finding Your Fitness Soulmate
  • Busting Plateaus
  • Overcoming Roadblocks

Personal Development

  • Self Care Practices
  • Stress Reduction
  • Loving Your Body
  • Life Balance
  • Mindset Shifts
Once the group is registered I'll send out a survey to find out what topics you'd like covered so we can put together workshops tailored to your needs. Be sure to complete the form below to receive any updates on the retreat.

Subscribe for updates

* indicates required

Show me how you're currently living your journey and put a hashtag on it!  Be sure to include #BrandNewMe and #createmyfit in your post.

Check out the healthy living freebies at FIT Life Creation.

If you're a fellow Fitpreneur and would like to host or cohost a workshop please email me your proposal at


  1. Lucky you! I have been to Costa Rica once but that was a long time ago. Sounds like so much fun!

  2. Hi admin First of all great post, do you know there is an amazing Wellness Retreat in Goa, India. And its right on the Beach.
